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Latest news from the European Commission on employment, social affairs and inclusion

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Strengthening European Works Councils

The Commission has proposed a revision to the European Works Councils Directive to improve social dialogue and make it easier for companies to consult employees on cross-border matters.

European Works Councils Discussions

Organise a discussion at the closing event for the Year of Skills

Lead a discussion on a skills-related topic of your choice at the Year of Skills closing event in May, held in Brussels and online. Apply by 20 February.

Speakers at an event of the European Year of Skills Campaign.

The European Child Guarantee’s new monitoring framework

This framework will better monitor children's access to education, school activities, food at school, healthcare and housing.

Illustration of the The European Child Guarantee´s new monitoring framework

Making payment terminals more accessible for visually impaired users

The European Blind Union has published a paper to engage payment terminals manufacturers in making their devices more accessible for blind and partially sighted people.

Contactless Payment at a Coffee Shop

How EU funds help

Addressing societal challenges of the war in Ukraine

The European Competence Centre for Social Innovation has launched a €22 million call for proposals, to mitigate the societal impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

Two ukranian women holding EU flags and facepaint that reads "EU"

How do European Structural and Investment Funds support employment?

The 2023 Summary Report underscored the vital role of European funds which, among major goals, assisted 64.5 million people find employment or get skilled and improved health services for 63 million.

A diverse group of people with different professions

Ambitious 2024 work programme for employment and social innovation

The Commission's 2024 plan for the Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI), under the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+), allocates €127 million to promote social inclusion in the EU.

Illustration of Some Business with slogans such as social innovation, mobility, entrepreneurship among others




EU funds: Ensuring compliance with fundamental rights

This report examines how the new rules in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities can be put into practice.

Cover page of the publication of: EU funds: Ensuring compliance with fundamental rights

New Study on the European Works Councils Directive

This study feeds into the Commission's impact assessment for the Directive on European Works Councils.

New Study about the Commission's Impact Assessment on European Works Councils Directive


Meet the Champions of Excellence

This event, co-hosted with the European Economic and Social Committee, will highlight the importance of vocational education and training (VET) as a valuable educational and career choice.

Meet the Champions of Excellence
date 23/02/2024
See also Video - Meet the champions for excellenc...


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Ⓒ Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

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ISSN: 2600-5441