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PES Network newsletter - January 2024

Network Highlights

20th PES Board Meeting meets to discuss skills, the labour market and demographic changes

The 20th Public Employment Services (PES) Network Board Meeting, held on 14-15 December in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, marked the inaugural session for Caroline Mancel as the new PES Network Chair and a farewell for Spiros Protopsaltis as the First Vice-Chair, who will be succeeded by Inga Balnasosiene in January 2024.

During the gathering, heads of PES engaged in a comprehensive two-day brainstorming session looking at addressing labour market challenges in the coming years, including the effectiveness of Active Labour Market Policies (ALMPs), and the EU’s role in tackling them. Read more.


PESPod #19: Caroline Mancel - Leading the way for the PES Network


The 19th episode of PESPod interviews Caroline Mancel, Chair of the PES Network and Deputy Director General of Belgian PES Actiris. Mancel shares her journey to become the PES Chair and her vision for the European Public Employment Services Network.

With a focus on addressing labour market challenges, fostering partnerships, and promoting collaboration and exchange, Mancel shares that she aims to enhance the effectiveness of European Public Employment Services to benefit job seekers and employers alike. Read moreListen to the podcast.



Spanish Public Employment Service (SEPE) hosted its High-level Conference on Active Employment Policies, Pillar of the European Year of Skills in Barcelona 19-20 October 2023


Barcelona recently hosted the Spanish Public Employment Service's (SEPE) High-level Conference on Active Employment Policies, a vital event within the framework of the European Year of Skills. Titled "Active Employment Policies, Pillar of the European Year of Skills," the conference delved into the evolving labour market dynamics and their impact on skills. Attendees included representatives from the European Commission, OECD, and EU ministers. With real testimonies and best practices showcased, the conference outlined active labour market policies as the linchpin for achieving the objectives of the European Year of Skills. Read more.



Jorge's journey to IT success through "UPskill - Digital Skills and Jobs"


Discover the journey of individuals like Jorge Miguel through the “UPskill - Digital Skills and Jobs” initiative by the Portuguese Public Employment Service (IEFP). This collaborative project aims to provide opportunities to undertake training, reskilling and qualifications in digital technologies, supporting the unemployed or underemployed from diverse backgrounds to navigate the evolving job market. All of which is contributing to the Portuguese Action Plan for the Digital Transition. Read more.



Bridging the green skills gap through upskilling and relocation: Sofia's journey with the RELOCATE project's training


Witness the journey from a three-year job search hiatus to a thriving role in the green energy sector, courtesy of the "Relocate" project by Arbetsförmedlingen, the Swedish PES. Empowered through a skills-first selection and a supportive relocation approach, Sofia landed an employment contract within three months. Read more.



European Labour Market Barometer: Outlook for 2024 improves again after slump


The European Labour Market Barometer rose in December for the first time in seven months. After gaining 0.2 points, the labour market leading indicator of the European Network of Public Employment Services and the IAB now stands at 99.2 points. Almost no country currently lies above the neutral mark of 100 points. The employment component of the European barometer rose by 0.2 points to 100.8 points. This means that the outlook remains slightly positive. The component that predicts unemployment climbed by 0.2 points to 97.6 points. The outlook thus remains clearly negative. "The European Public Employment Services are still rather pessimistic about the coming months, but there is hope that the worst is over," explains IAB head of forecast Enzo Weber. Read more. 



How to deliver customer-centred Public Employment Services in the digital age


Discover a new toolkit from the European Network of Public Employment Services (PES Network) that provides a practical guide, with concrete examples, for how PES can use more customer-centred approaches in the delivery of their services. The new PES Network Toolkit on Customer centred service delivery in a digital age was developed with the support of the PES Network, as part of a series of actions undertaken by the Network to assist PES in improving the quality of delivery systems to meet the needs of different client groups. Read more.



Explore the PES Network Skills Conference synthesis paper to learn how collaborative action can address the skills gap


Aligning with the European Year of Skills 2023 push to encourage labour market stakeholders to promote reskilling and upskilling for quality jobs, this year’s PES Network Stakeholder Conference showcased what PES and their partners can do to successfully address skills challenges, and looked at the future role of PES and stakeholders as it relates to skills. Read more.


Latest Network Publications

Synthesis paper: PES Network Stakeholder Conference 2023


PES Network toolkit on customer centred service delivery in a digital age


See more

Network Events


Benchlearning assessment

site visit Lithuania


16-18 January 2024 

Benchlearning assessment

site visit Bulgaria 


6-8 February 2024 

Meeting of the Advisers for

European PES Affairs


7-8 March 2024

Benchlearning assessment

site visit Croatia


19-21 March 2024

Working Group on Evidence-based

Service Design


22 March 2024

Benchlearning assessment

site visit Latvia


27-29 March 2024

Benchlearning assessment

site visit Austria 


9-11 April 2024

Benchlearning Working Group

17 April 2024

EU Employment News

Securing workers' rights in the AI revolution


Harnessing talent in Europe: Commission launches the demography toolbox


National Recovery and Resilience Plans: Social investment on the rise, but much still to be improved


EUREStv: Exploring the world of European labour mobility


European Year of Skills: Survey highlights skills shortages in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)


Commission proposes European Disability and Parking Card valid in all Member States


Towards a more digital social security coordination: Commission proposes steps to make it easier for Europeans to live, work and travel abroad


European Semester: Commission sets out key priorities for 2024 to strengthen EU competitiveness


See more

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