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Access City Awards 2023 Winner


Securing workers' rights in the AI revolution

How can AI make the world of work more inclusive and productive? How can the EU ensure that workers’ rights are protected in the wake of technological advancements? Take a look at the highlights of the second European Employment and Social Rights Forum.

European Social Forum 2023

European Semester: Key priorities to strengthen EU competitiveness in 2024

The Commission has launched the 2024 European Semester cycle of economic policy coordination.

European Semester 2023

New measures on skills and talent to address critical labour shortages

The Commission is presenting new initiatives to make it easier for Europeans to learn abroad, and to make the EU more attractive to non-EU learners.

New measures on skills and talent

New survey launched: Empowering older people in the labour market

The AGE 2023 Barometer analyses older people's place in the labour market and reports on inspiring practices in 19 EU countries. This first edition focuses on three policy areas: support for older people in the labour market, age discrimination in employment and workplaces for all ages.

The AGE 2023 Barometer


How EU funds help

Czech ESF+ funded project wins REGIOSTARS 2023 award

ProFem 2.0, a centre for survivors of domestic and sexual violence in Czechia, has won the 2023 REGIOSTARS award in the category ‘A social and inclusive Europe’. A total of seven EU-funded projects received REGIOSTAR awards.

REGIOSTARS 2023 award

New call for proposals to unlock skills and support vulnerable youth

Take part in this new call for transnational projects to develop young people’s skills and help them integrate into the labour market. EUR 9 million will be available to develop or scale up innovative practices that have proven to be successful in other countries and regions.

new call for proposals to unlock skills

Take part in the public consultation on EU funds

Help the EU evaluate the support provided by the European Social Fund and the Youth Employment Initiative in 2014-2020. Take part in the online public consultation by 9 January.

Take part in the public consultation on EU funds


SIM database


Catalogue of positive actions to encourage the hiring of persons with disabilities

Read about positive actions taken out by employers and public authorities in Europe to hire persons with disabilities and combat stereotypes.

Catalogue of positive actions to encourage the hiring of persons with disabilities

Economic and distributional effects of higher energy prices on households

This paper analyses the increase of energy prices since mid-2021, and its effect on low and middle-income households. It focuses on price changes in energy and transport and their impact on income distribution.

Economic and distributional effects of higher energy prices on households

Quarterly Review of Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE)

This review focuses on the impact of demographic changes on labour market outcomes and the potential of pension reforms to counteract these projected trends. ESDE quarterly reviews provide an overview of recent social and labour market developments in the EU.

Quarterly Review of Employment and Social Developments in Europe

Labour Market and Wage Developments in Europe 2023

The 2023 Annual Review highlights the EU's economic resilience amid global challenges. The report underscores the dynamic nature of the labour market, with businesses facing labour shortages despite positive economic indicators.

Labour Market and Wage Developments in Europe 2023

Joint Employment Report 2024 - Commission proposal

The report provides an annual overview of key employment and social developments in the EU and its countries recent policy measures.

Joint Employment Report 2024 - Commission proposal


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Ⓒ Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

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ISSN: 2600-5441