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  November 2023  
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Public employment services: 1.87 million employment contracts for displaced people from Ukraine

A recent survey by Public Employment Services shows they are crucial in helping displaced people from Ukraine integrate into the labour market, with around 1.87 million employment contracts in place. Most registered people from Ukraine are young, well-educated and primarily women.

Moving to another EU country? Keep your social security rights!

If you are you currently benefitting from maternity leave, receiving a pension or other social security benefits, you can keep accessing these if you move to another EU country!

Take part in the public consultation on EU funds

Help us evaluate the support provided by the European Social Fund and the Youth Employment Initiative in 2014-2020. Take part in the online public consultation by 9 January.

Public Consultation: assess the performance of the European Labour Authority

Take part in the European Commission's evaluation of the European Labour Authority to assess how effectively it delivers on its mandate and objectives. This evaluation will help identify any potential need for modifying the ELA's mandate.

Belgique: 2,8 millions d'euros pour accompagner des travailleurs licenciés

421 personnes récemment licenciées en Belgique vont bénéficier d’aide à l’emploi grâce aux Fonds européen d'ajustement à la mondialisation. Plus de 2,8 millions d'euros contribueront à fournir des conseils personnalisés et de la formation à ces travailleurs.

See also English version
Campaign launched for safety and health in the digital era

The campaign is part of the European Week for Safety and Health at Work, which features hundreds of awareness-raising events across the EU and beyond. The focus is on safe and healthy work in the digital age.

European Disability Card in easy-to-read

An easy-to-read page on the Commission’s recent proposal for a European Disability Card makes sure that everyone can understand how the Card can help making lives of people with disabilities much easier. It is available in English, French and German.

What is the EU doing for your skills?

The European Year of Skills provides the perfect chance to learn new skills and make them work for your career, future, and life – all with support from the EU. Explore EU initiatives that can help you achieve your dreams.

How EU funds help
EU-funded projects give a stronger sense of EU citizenship

The latest Eurobarometer indicates that awareness of EU support for European regions remains stable: 39% of EU citizens are aware of this support up from 2021 and 2019.

Cataluña invierte en la formación de adultos desempleados en profesiones técnicas

El Centro de Innovación y Formación Profesional de Sant Feliu de Llobregat es cofinanciado por el Fondo Social Europeo Plus y ayuda a jóvenes adultos desempleados a adquirir competencias técnicas especializadas que están en demanda. El centro también fomenta la participación de más mujeres, en particular a través de la formación.

See also English version
Innovative career guidance for young people in Austria

The 'Career guidance' project, managed by the vocational training institute BFI Burgenland helps young people make a smooth transition from school to the world of work. Over 10 weeks, participants explore their interests and individual aspirations and get a realistic picture of the world of work.

Interactive version of the Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE) report 2023

Discover the new digital version of the 2023 Employment and Social Developments in Europe report which features many interactive graphs and visualisations.

Lower-income households are the hardest hit by inflation
This paper examines the impact of high inflation in EU countries, showing a significant increase in how inflation affects different households. It confirms that lower-income households are the worst affected by rising inflation.
Fair transition towards climate neutrality
Using concrete policies, research and social dialogue in EU countries, this report looks into how the green transition affects the economy. It analyses measures related to employment, skills and social dialogue, as well as future impact predictions.
Measures to tackle the energy and living costs crisis
The annual report by the Social Protection Committee examines social conditions and social protection policies across the EU, with a special focus on the energy and cost of living challenges.
Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO) meeting
date 27/11/2023 - 28/11/2023
European Day of Persons with Disabilities 2023
The European Commission’s annual conference in partnership with the European Disability Forum will mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, bringing together more than 400 policymakers, high-level experts and disability advocates. It will also announce the winner of the2024 Access City Award.
date 30/11/2023 - 01/12/2023


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Ⓒ Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

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ISSN: 2600-5441