Access City Award 2024 I Access to Essential Services I European social dialogue committee for social services I ESF+ & more
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  August 2023  
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Strengthening social dialogue through European Works Councils

The Commission launched the second-stage consultation of European social partners on a possible revision of the European Works Councils (EWCs) Directive. EWCs support the involvement of employees in the decision-making process of large multinational companies.

Don’t travel abroad without your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)

EHIC ensures you can receive medical treatment at the same cost and conditions as locals in the country you are visiting.

Improving the quality of traineeships

The Commission launched a first-stage consultation of European social partners on reinforcing the EU Quality Framework for Traineeships. The aim is to provide young people with valuable experiences under good conditions.

European Year of Skills: Commission evaluates progress in supporting lower skilled adults

The Commission has evaluated progress achieved through the Council Recommendation on Upskilling when it comes to raising the levels of literacy, numeracy and digital skills amongst adults as well as towards providing those who are lower skilled with further upskilling opportunities.

New European social dialogue committee for social services established

The committee, which brings together European employers and trade union organisations from the sector, aims to enhance social and employment policies, and promote dialogue at different levels for 9 million workers across the EU.

How EU funds help
Young care leaver follows her dream career in Lithuania

The European Social Fund (ESF) project empowers young people transitioning from care institutions to live independently and integrate into the labour market.

Preparing young people for green careers in Germany

In Germany, the ESF-funded “BerufsKlima” work camps provide 16–25-year-olds with opportunities to acquire sustainability competencies to thrive in green careers.

Vulnerable jobseekers climb out of poverty in Belgium

Funded by the ESF, the Groep Intro vzw West-Vlaanderen project empowers vulnerable jobseekers to make a living and build a better future.

Publications in the spotlight


Report on mobile seasonal workers and intra-EU labour mobility

This study summarises the challenges related to seasonal work and the situation of agricultural seasonal workers in four key destination countries. The focus of the study is how intra-EU seasonal workers’ conditions have changed over time.

Employment and Social Developments in Europe 2023

In the context of the European Year of Skills, the review provides evidence of persistent labour shortages and changing skills needs in the EU.

Best practices in making EU cities more accessible

Read about the achievements of the 2023 Access City Award winners and the concrete steps taken to make public spaces, services, transport, buildings, culture, and tourism more accessible.

Effectiveness of policies to tackle undeclared work

This study examines the economic and social implications of undeclared work and reveals strategies to transform undeclared work into declared work, promoting fair competition, professional development opportunities for workers, and market stability for businesses.

AccessibleEU European event : Your role in making Higher Education more accessible and inclusive
date 29/08/2023 - 29/08/2023
venue Paris, France


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Ⓒ Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

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ISSN: 2600-5441