Social economy recommendation I Protection of workers from asbestos I Access to essential services I ESF+ & more
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  July 2023  
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Council adopts recommendation on social dialogue in the EU

The Recommendation supports Member States in strengthening social dialogue and collective bargaining at the national level.

People talking
Protecting workers against asbestos: new EU rules

The European Parliament and Member States agreed on an update of the EU Directive on asbestos at work. This is an important step towards better protecting workers from this dangerous substance.

Access City Award: applications opening soon

Applications for the 2024 Access City Award competition will open in July. This award recognises cities which have made outstanding work to become more accessible for persons with disabilities.

A new comprehensive approach to mental health

The Commission will provide support to Member States prioritising people and their mental health with 20 flagship initiatives and €1.23 billion in EU funding.

Improving long-term care services

At the first meeting of national long-term care coordinators, Commissioner Schmit emphasised their crucial role in driving relevant national reforms and contributing to EU-level cooperation.

België: 2,2 miljoen euro ter ondersteuning van ontslagen werknemers

De Europese Commissie heeft voorgesteld om 603 werknemers die door een logistiek bedrijf in België zijn ontslagen, te ondersteunen met 2.2 miljoen euro uit het Europees Fonds voor aanpassing aan de globalisering.

Voir aussi Version française
Euronews: how can Europe grow its social economy?

The latest episode of Euronews Real Economy delves into Europe's social economy and how it can foster growth. Explore Sweden's social economy entreprises, which prioritise social and environmental objectives over profit.

How EU funds help
Helping Ukrainian refugees to integrate in Germany

Germany’s Lower Saxony region invested €15 million, supported by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), to provide Ukrainian refugees with the necessary support to thrive in Germany.

France: Une porte d’entrée vers l'emploi pour les jeunes martiniquais

Avec le soutien du Fond social européen, le projet «URASS-IFMES 2020» en Martinique a permis aux jeunes d'obtenir les certifications nécessaires pour poursuivre une carrière dans le secteur médico-social.

See also English version
Croatia: Supporting children with disabilities for social inclusion

The ‘Step Forward’ project in Daruba (Croatia) is funded by the European Social Fund and provides professional psychosocial support to children with developmental disabilities.

Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE): labour shortages, skills gaps and how to tackle them
The yearly ESDE report reveals that despite the impact of Russia's invasion of Ukraine resulting in an economic slowdown in the second half of 2022, EU labour markets have demonstrated remarkable resilience last year.
Access to essential services: new report outlines key challenges for the most vulnerable
The EU report highlights the challenges faced by people at risk of poverty or social exclusion in accessing essential services like energy, transport and digital communication.
Vocational Education and Training (VET) and the green transition: inspiring practices
The compendium showcases best practices and key lessons, where VET has played a vital role in equipping young people and adults with the skills they needed in their careers and lives.


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Ⓒ Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

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ISSN: 2600-5441