European Year of Skills Festival I Digital education & skills package I EU Open Doors Day I ESF+ & more
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  May 2023  
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Commission calls for massive investment in digital education and skills

The Commission adopted two proposals for a Council Recommendation to address the digital divide. The Commission is also testing a European Digital Skills Certificate with several countries which will help people have their digital skills recognised easily across the EU.

Eurobarometer survey shows that traineeships help young people land their first job

A new Eurobarometer survey shows that seven in ten people (68%) found a job following a traineeship, with more than half of those signing a contract with the same employer, according to the data.

Commission publishes new guidance for the safe management of hazardous medicinal products at work

The guidance provides an overview of existing good practice and practical advice to help reduce workers’ exposure to dangerous medicinal products.

Pact for Skills: launch of large-scale Skills Partnership in the space sector

With the support of the Commission, a large-scale Skills Partnership for the space sector dedicated to data, services and applications has been launched.

Strengthening social dialogue: first-stage consultation of social partners on European Works Councils Directive

The Commission launched the first-stage consultation of European social partners on a possible revision of the European Works Councils Directive.

Pact for Skills: launch of large-scale skills partnership for long-term care

Long-term care service providers, social partners and education and training providers, with the support of the European Commission, have set up a large-scale skills partnership on long-term care. It aims to improve both career paths of care providers, as well as the quality of care services thereby making the long-term care sector more attractive.

Video & Podcast
Euronews: How important is an adequate EU minimum wage in a high-inflation context?

In the latest Real Economy episode, Euronews travels to Latvia to understand whether increased minimum wages allow people to cope with the rising costs of living.

PESPod episode 17: Public Employment Services in the new normal

Listen to Łukasz Sienkiewicz, an academic and PES expert, and learn more about the latest trends in Public Employment Services and how they continue to adapt to a changing labour market and evolving working practices.

How EU funds help
ESF-Projekt macht Deutschen Hoffnung auf nachhaltige Beschäftigung

Das vom Europäischen Sozialfonds (ESF) geförderte Projekt „Nachhaltige Fertigung“ unterstützt die Ausbildung und Beschäftigung von Langzeitarbeitslosen in Deutschland. Gleichzeitig setzt es sich für die Umwelt, die Erhaltung begrenzter Ressourcen und für die Förderung von Wiederverwendung und Recycling ein.

See also English version
A healthy work-life balance for parents in Italy

In Viterbo, the EU funded RAFFAEL project helps families to meet the demands of an active working lifestyle while ensuring children received excellent childcare.

An EU-funded project in Slovakia helps disadvantaged jobseekers to improve their digital skills

The ‘Basic Skills Development in Slovakia’ (BLUESS) project support adults without qualifications to build the skills they need to enter the labour market.

Quarterly Review of Employment and Social Developments in Europe (ESDE)

The review explores gender segregation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) and healthcare occupations across EU Member States. It also demonstrates how desegregation offers an important opportunity to attract new workers to occupations facing shortages.

Evaluation of the support provided by ESF and FEAD under the Coronavirus Response Investment Initiatives

The report shows how the immediate support provided by the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Fund for the Most Deprived (FEAD) has helped cushioning the consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Supporting persons with disabilities in entrepreneurship

A new policy brief explores the potential of entrepreneurship policy in supporting the labour market participation of people with disabilities.

Skilled Europe Village at EU Open Doors Day
As EU institutions open their doors to the public on 6 May, you can visit the Skilled Europe Village in the European Commission where you will find a range of activities and information about digital skills, green skills, language and translation skills. You will find out all you need to know about the European Year of Skills and what is in it for you.
date 06/05/2023
Informal meeting of EU employment and social affairs ministers (EPSCO)
Agenda highlights include: How to prevent mismatches between skills and jobs in times of transition and how to enable adequate and sustainable social protection considering the demographic transition.
date 03/05/2023
Webinar: Apprenticeships in the care sector and social economy
The European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) will host a webinar on apprenticeships in the care sector and social economy.
date 04/05/2023


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Ⓒ Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

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ISSN: 2600-5441