2023 European Year of Skills I First call to support ALMA I Europass I ESF+ & more
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  January 2023  
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A guide to finding a job in another EU country

The short guide "European Labour mobility steps" explains how to explore job opportunities in other EU countries and your rights as an EU citizen.

Computer where appears the sentence 'get your guide'
Partagez votre avis sur Europass jusqu’au 28 février

Que pensez-vous d’Europass ? C’est l’espace en ligne européen qui permet à chacun de communiquer ses compétences et qualifications en Europe. Participez à la consultation publique dès à présent.

Banner about europass
See also English version
Pact for Skills: a new partnership to promote skills in the health sector

With the support of the Commission, the European Health Management Association (EHMA) and other partners in the health sector have launched a large-scale skills partnership to boost the skills of the EU health workforce.

healthcare workers
Public Employment Services asked about their Member States’ support to persons displaced from Ukraine

The European Network of Public Employment Services is collecting national feedback on helping displaced people from Ukraine integrate into the EU labour market.

Ukraine Refugee in a train station
Gleichstellungspaket: Kommission schlägt Stärkung von Gleichstellungsstellen vor, um Diskriminierung zu bekämpfen

Die Europäische Kommission schlägt vor Gleichstellungsstellen zu stärken. Gleichstellungsstellen sind wichtig um Opfern von Diskriminierung zu helfen und sicherzustellen, dass die EU-Antidiskriminierungsvorschriften vor Ort umgesetzt werden.

Stärkung von Gleichstellungsstellen - Illustration evoking equality
See also English version
News in the spotlight
What European think about labour mobility after the pandemic?

Watch the European Employment & Social Rights Forum’s wrap-up video

The first edition of the European Employment and Social Rights Forum focused on how to manage a fair green transition for all.

Ursula Von Der Leyen at the European Employment & Social Rights Forum 2022
How EU funds help
ESF+ Call for proposals to support vulnerable young people

The call for proposals to help EU countries integrate the ALMA (Aim, Learn, Master, Achieve) initiative, which helps young people finding their way to the job market, in their ESF+ programmes is out! The deadline for submissions is 15 March 2023.

Young people holding up signs
ESF project in Italy supports persons with disabilities among displaced people from Ukraine

The project builds confidence through education, training courses and specialised counselling. It also focuses on supporting women, who make up the majority of persons displaced from Ukraine, together with children.

Ukrainian in wheelchair
Polish national ESF+ programmes to invest nearly €5.5 billion

The Commission has adopted the two national Polish ESF+ programmes investing nearly €5.5 billion into the labour market, education, skills and social inclusion.

A view of Poland's Wawel Castle
ESF+ Project helps migrants thrive in Sweden

The eXtra project helps migrants and persons with disabilities to integrate in society and find employment.

Project helps migrants thrive in Sweden
Labour Market and Wage Developments in Europe: Annual Review 2022

This year’s edition discusses the impact of the war in Ukraine and the energy crisis on the EU labour market. It also reviews recent wage developments and analyses the drivers of labour shortages.

picture of money
An analysis of the social protection for people with disabilities in 35 countries

This report looks at the conditions under which adult persons with disabilities receive effective access to social protection.

Person in a wheelchair attending a work meeting
Social Situation Monitoring

Read the latest publications on greening of households, dynamics of information and communication technology skills or the impact of COVID-19 on vulnerable groups in the EU.

Woman surrounded by screens


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Ⓒ Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

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