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on employment, social affairs and inclusion

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European Pillar of Social Rights 5 years on: from principles to action for a strong social Europe

The first European Employment & Social Rights Forum: a rich and dynamic first edition

The Forum focused on how to achieve a fair and inclusive green transition for all while celebrating the 5th anniversary of the European Pillar of Social Rights.

Image taken at the event
Quote "I want Europe to explore the new frontier of social rights. And it is for this reason that we strive to bring a strong social focus into all our policies.” - Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission.
Skellefteå wins 2023 Access City Award

The Swedish city of Skellefteå received the 2023 Access City Award in recognition of its long-term commitment and innovative approach to enhancing accessibility for persons with disabilities.

City of Skellefteå
Supporting Ukrainians in the EU through apprenticeships

The European Alliance for Apprenticeships discussed how apprenticeships can be used as a tool to support Ukrainians displaced by the war and address their educational, employment and societal needs.

Ukrainian Refugees shadow under the Ukrainian flag.
Commission recommends recognising COVID-19 as occupational disease

The Commission adopted an updated Recommendation on occupational diseases, where stresses the importance of supporting workers infected by COVID-19 and families who have lost members because of work exposure to the disease.

Group of nurses walking on a hospital
Recent social policy developments in Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Montenegro, the Netherlands and Slovakia

The last series of flash reports prepared by the European Social Policy Network (ESPN) is now available and provides information on concrete recent social policy developments in Belgium, Denmark, Ireland, Montenegro, the Netherlands and Slovakia.

Pact for Skills expands to 1000 members as it marks its second anniversary

Two years after its launch, the Pact for Skills celebrates an important milestone as its membership grows to 1000 members.

Pact for skills Banner
How EU funds help
European Social Fund helps rebuild lives in detention centre in Bologna

The Italian project aims at helping facilitate detainees’ successful move back into society through training and job experience. “Fare Impresa in Dozza” is exemplary at breaking the cycle of re-offending: only seven percent of participants have re-entered the prison system, the significant majority going on to find jobs after re-entering society.

Participans of the "Fare Impresa in Dozza" project in workshop
Commissioner Schmit visit in Košice highlights European effort to tackling homelessness

On 25 November, Commissioner Schmit visited a project funded by the European Social Found in the city of Košice (Slovakia) that has an innovative way to combat family homelessness.

Picture of the visit
Independent living for people with intellectual disabilities

Petros got involved with the project Axizo, funded by the European Social Fund (ESF), the project gave him the opportunity to live in a shared house with other people with intellectual disabilities, while continuing to receive essential care.

Person with disabilities working
Croatian E-Schools co-funded by ESF win RegioStars anniversary prize

On 17 November, the European Commission unveiled the winners of the 2022 Regiostars awards. Second place went to the ‘E-Schools Pilot Project’ in Croatia.

Commission publishes proposal for Joint Employment Report 2023

The proposal for the Joint Employment Report (JER) - which is part of the 2023 European Semester cycle of economic policy coordination - confirms that the EU labour market has fully recovered from the COVID-19 pandemic, showing a strong performance and surpassing pre-pandemic employment levels since the third quarter of 2021.

EU social indicators updated

The EU social indicators for the monitoring of progress towards the EU objectives for Social Protection and Social Inclusion have been updated and include now an overview of the new policy framework, incorporating all indicators agreed by the Indicators' Sub-Group.

Hands holding
Meta-analysis of the ESF counterfactual impact evaluations

The results show that overall the ESF interventions are effective, as people who participated in the ESF financed operations have on average 7.3 percentage points higher employment probability than those who did not participate.

Worker performing his duties
Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO)
Agenda highlights: Platform work and asbestos - A European care strategy - European Semester 2023 - Equality and social inclusion
date 08/12/2022
Live Discussion: Promoting apprenticeships to SMEs
The European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) will organise a live discussion on how to promote apprenticeships to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
date 14/12/2022


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Ⓒ Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, European Commission

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