Read the online version | ISSN 2600-0857
  31 March 2022  

European Vocational Skills Week 2022

Newsletter No.4 | April 2022

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The European Commission adopted on 08 March a proposal for a Cohesion’s Action for Refugees in Europe (CARE) under the 2014-2020 Cohesion policy to provide support through cohesion funding to persons fleeing from the Russian military invasion of Ukraine.

The European Social Fund (ESF) can already in its current shape extend support to refugees and migrants, as it is the European Commission’s main tool for investing in people and for promoting inclusion into the labour market. The temporary protection directive further widens the scope of who and how soon ESF-funded actions can help persons fleeing from Ukraine, so that they can have immediate access to the labour market.

New taxonomy of skills for the green transition

The European Commission has published a taxonomy (classification system) of skills for the green transition in European Skills, Competences, Qualifications and Occupations (ESCO). It includes
381 skills, 185 knowledge concepts and 5 transversal skills considered most relevant for a greener labour market. Examples of ‘green skills’ include how to conduct energy audits, measure the sustainability of tourism activities, as well as training staff on recycling programmes.

EAfA publishes 10 good reasons for SMEs to invest in apprenticeships

The European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) has published a new document titled 10 good reasons for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to invest in apprenticeships.

The publication addresses SMEs, which may not be aware of the positive aspects of hiring apprentices and may face several challenges that prevent them from becoming engaged with apprenticeships and EAfA. These include limited capacity, lack of employees dedicated to training and apprenticeships, and language barriers.

The new EAfA publication outlines the different benefits that apprenticeships can bring SMEs, such as improving employee retention, the introduction of new ideas and perspectives, boosting a company’s ability to innovate, and more. With these 10 important tips, EAfA also aims to inform SMEs how they can receive help and support to make the process of hiring apprentices as easy as possible.

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Fit for the new digital age: the updated Digital Competence Framework (DigComp 2.2)

The European Commission has published the latest update of the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens (DigComp 2.2), providing a common understanding of which digital competences EU citizens need, in view of the latest technological advancements since the last update in 2016.

DigComp 2.2 takes into account emerging technologies, such as artificial intelligence (AI), virtual and augmented reality, robotisation, the Internet of Things (IoT), datafication and other phenomena, such as online misinformation and disinformation, which together have led to new and increased digital literacy requirements.

VET events and activities
Link your event or activity to the Week

Join the fun and celebrate VET with others by linking your VET event or activity to the Week. Benefit from cross-promotion and several communication toolkits that are available for event organisers that have activities linked to the Week, whether hosting your event before, during or after the Week.

Register here

Discover fantastic VET events and activities

Discover more than 200 VET events and activities in 20 countries that have so far linked to the Week and click on our interactive map on the Week website homepage to help you choose the ones you would like to attend.

Get started

Share your inspiring VET story

Get inspired and inspire others! Share your VET story and help others discover their own VET path.

Check out several scintillating VET stories people of all ages have shared on the Week website, showcasing the many and varied benefits of VET, such as Passion became a profession! and Try it!!!

Add your story to the treasure trove of inspiring VET stories.

See also Share your story today
EU Green Week is back!
EU Green Week is the biggest annual event on European environmental policy

Taking place 30 May – 5 June, EU Green Week 2022 will be an exceptional opportunity to engage with numerous stakeholders and interested citizens (that means you!) on how we can work together and play an active role in making Europe’s future greener.

Are you organising an event in May-June related to environmental topics and policies? Could it fall under the EU Green Week 2022 theme: EU Green Deal – Make It Real?

Your event can cover any kind of activity, from conferences and workshops to exhibitions, webinars, networking, and online events. You choose what works best for your goals and target audience!

Make your event an EU Green Week Partner Event!

If you are interested, please read the guidelines here.

Register your event before 15 April 2022 and be part of the change to build a fair, prosperous, climate-neutral Europe by 2050!

date 30/05/2022 - 05/06/2022
Registration Register
Join the Conversation – Get on Social Media
Use #EUVocationalSkills and #DiscoverYourTalent to follow the conversation online

Stay tuned for our next newsletter to catch up on all the latest information regarding the European Vocational Skills Week and VET.

document Download the Newsletter here  (2.19 MB)

This newsletter is produced by NETCOMPANY-INTRASOFT/CECOFORMA on behalf of the
European Commission.

Check out the VET website for more information on European Vocational Skills Week 2022. 

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