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  29 February 2024  

European Marine Observation and Data Network | EMODnet

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In this issue


EMODnet webinar for European Research and Innovation and Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters projects

On 28th February 2024, EMODnet hosted a webinar titled “EMODnet for Horizon Europe and EU Mission: Restore our Ocean and Waters.” This invitation-only webinar was attended by over 95 participants representing at least 45 EU projects. Organised by the EMODnet Secretariat, Data Ingestion and thematics, in collaboration with DG MARE and CINEA, the webinar focused on how EMODnet can support European Research and Innovation (R&I) projects, including the use of EMODnet’s marine knowledge in EU R&I, demonstrations of the EMDOnet Data Ingestion workflow, and guidance on how R&I projects can optimize the collection, curation and submission of FAIR data and metadata to EMODnet services, and its large userbase.

EMODnet webinar banner 2024

EMODnet Thematic updates

EMODnet Physics and the MOANA project expand EMODnet’s data offer in the Pacific Ocean

More data from the Pacific Ocean (New Zealand area) is now available through EMODnet. EMODnet Physics increased the amount of data available from this region via the collaboration with MetOcean Solutions, the MOANA project and the Fishing Vessel Ocean Observing Network. With MOANA historical and near-real-time ocean temperature and salinity data are collected through affordable novel technology to get more observations in New Zealand’s coastal seas, and making existing ocean observations available to everyone. MOANA developed a small, smart temperature sensor which can be attached to commercial fishing gear delivering more data useful to increase ocean observations in this region helping modelling our oceans better.

MOANA data_EMODnet

Pollutant concentration: a guided tour to EMODnet Chemistry maps

The EMODnet Map Viewer provides users with information on the spatial and temporal variability of the measurement points and the concentration of selected pollutants measured in the water column, in biota and in sediment. Currently, maps are available for 12 pollutants in all European sea basins and beyond. These hazardous substances belong to the following groups of variables: Heavy metals, hydrocarbons, pesticides and biocides, and antifouling agents. Follow us on this guided tour to explore the Map Viewer features and make the most of them.

Map type “Concentration values” for DDT, DDE, DDD contained in the “Pesticides and biocides” variable group. You can use the “Filter layer” function to select a matrix

EMODnet Seabed Habitats for the Caribbean Workshop

EMODnet Seabed Habitats organised a workshop in Anguilla in the Caribbean to guide local stakeholders and data contributors through the EMODnet data submission process. The publication of a suite of marine habitat maps for the Caribbean on the EMODnet Map Viewer demonstrates the benefits of such collaborations.

ESH Workshop Participants

European Atlas of the Seas

Monthly dive into the European Atlas of the Seas

A new video tutorial has been released on the Atlas’ measure tool which shows how users can measure distances and estimate surface areas in the Atlas as well as see the geographical coordinates for any location on a map. A great help to resolve the geocaching game, treasure hunt and boat races in the Teachers Corner! In February, four ‘Maps of the Week’ were published on the Maritime Forum and the EMODnet website: ‘World Wetlands Day, Rivers and Marine Natura 2000 sites’, ‘Marine habitats and biodiversity conservation’, ‘Plastic Pollution and Seabed Litter’ and ‘Ensuring Sustainability in Fisheries’.


EMODnet and the UN Ocean Decade

EMODnet Secretariat participated in DCO-ODS & IODE joint webinar

At the first joint webinar on ‘Data and information management and sharing in the Decade: why, who, what and how?’ co-organised by the Decade Coordination Office for Ocean Data Sharing (DCO-ODS) and IODE on 31 January, Vicente Fernandez (EMODnet Secretariat), highlighted EMODnet as an important regional node contributing to ocean data sharing and interoperability to the global ocean data ecosystem, and its contribution, together with Copernicus Marine Service, to the establishment of the public infrastructure backbone for the European digital representation of the Ocean.

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EMODnet at recent events

EMODnet at the Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership Symposium

EMODnet participated in the first Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership Symposium, held on February 13-14, 2024, which launched its second call for funding with the event bringing together diverse stakeholders to promote the transformation towards a sustainable blue economy.

SBEP Symposium

Upcoming events

EMODnet Biology workshop for the Regional Sea Conventions

On April 18th, EMODnet Biology will host a half-day workshop that is aimed at the Regional Sea Conventions. The workshop will represent an important opportunity of interaction, and of collection of feedback and of gaps and needs by RSCs. in terms of data, products and/or tools required for marine ecosystem status assessment.

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date 18/04/2024
venue Hybrid
Organiser EMODnet Biology

The Ecopath 40 years – The Ecosystem Continuum: From knowledge to decisions” conference

The “Ecopath 40 years – The Ecosystem Continuum: From knowledge to decisions” conference, will take place in Ostend, Belgium from June 3-5, 2024. The event will celebrate four decades of progress in utilizing the 'Ecopath with Ecosim' (EwE) modelling software approach across various fields such as fisheries management, marine conservation, ecosystem dynamics, climate impacts, and ecosystem-based management (EBM). The conference will also introduce new facilities for the EwE approach, offering an international scientific gathering for ecosystem modelers utilizing the EwE framework and software. Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a milestone event in ecosystem modeling. Visit for more information.

date 03/06/2024 - 05/06/2024

Call for Posters for ICES ASC 2024! Submit Your Abstracts Today

The International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Annual Science Conference (ASC) 2024 is just around the corner, and the call for abstracts is now open! We invite you to submit your posters for consideration, with a deadline of 22 March 2024. This year's theme session J, "Moving the latest developments from machine learning and AI closer to exploiting mountains and lakes of data," co-convened by EMODnet, promises to be an exciting opportunity to showcase advancements in data utilization. Don't miss this chance to present your work and engage with the global marine science community at ICES ASC 2024. Submit your abstract today!

ICES logo
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EMODnet at the Hydrospatial Infrastructure and Blue Economy Summit

We are excited to announce that EMODnet will be an Institutional Partner and key speaker for the Hydrospatial Infrastructure and Blue Economy Summit at the upcoming Geospatial World Forum (GWF) 2024. Save the dates for this event taking place May 13-16, 2024, in Rotterdam, Netherlands. During the summit, the EMODnet Secretariat and EMODnet Bathymetry will deliver key speeches, sharing insights and expertise. Join for a focused program on "The Hydrospatial Infrastructure and Blue Economy Summit," where we will delve into the need for ocean knowledge and explore opportunities for growth within the blue economy.  Find out more and register today.

GWF 2024
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date 13/05/2024 - 16/05/2024
venue Rotterdam.Netherlands
Organiser Geospatial World Forum

EMODnet Geology at the 37th International Geological Congress 2024 - Deadline for abstract submission has been extended

EMODnet Geology is set to take part in the 37th International Geological Congress (IGC) in Busan, Republic of Korea, from August 25-31, 2024. EMODnet Geology will host a dedicated session focused on marine mapping, highlighting their latest standards and innovations in revealing Earth's seabed geology. 
More information will follow soon, and you can take advantage of the deadline extension and submit your abstract for the congress by 15 March! 

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date 25/08/2024 - 31/08/2024

Consultations & Calls

EuroGEO Survey: Shape the Future of Earth Observation Cooperation

The EuroGEO initiative, Europe's contribution to the Group on Earth Observations (GEO), along with the EuroGEOSec project, has launched a crucial survey to gather stakeholder support and insights. The survey aims to inform the establishment of a EuroGEO Secretariat, which will enhance cooperation among Earth Observation (EO) private sectors, stakeholders, and research institutions in the EU. This Secretariat will also ensure continuous collaboration with other regional GEOs and the GEO Secretariat. Complete the survey before the deadline on March 8th, 2024, to have your voice heard.

EuroGEO logo

GreenData4All - Call for Evidence: Share Your Views on Geospatial Environmental Data

The European Commission invites feedback on the 'GreenData4All' initiative, updating EU rules on environmental geospatial data and public access to environmental information. Aligning with Europe's green and digital transformation goals, this initiative aims to facilitate greater data sharing between the public, private sectors, and the general public. The Call for Evidence is open from February 26 to March 25, 2024 (midnight Brussels time). Your input will help fine-tune the proposed directive, fostering innovation and evidence-based decision-making. To contribute, register or log in using your social media account. Share your views and shape the future of environmental data access in Europe. Learn more and provide feedback using this link.


Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership: Second Transnational Call Now Open

The Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership has announced its second joint transnational call, offering support to research and innovation projects lasting 36 months. This call, co-branded as part of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, focuses on four priority areas: Digital Twins of the Ocean, Blue economy sectors and marine multi-use infrastructures, Planning and managing sea-uses at the regional level, and Blue Bioresources. Applicants have until April 10, 2024 (15H00 CEST) to submit their pre-proposals, with a deadline for full proposals expected in November 2024



New EMODnet Survey

Your Feedback Matters – Introducing Our New Survey! EMODnet continues to evolve to better serve your needs. We're excited to introduce our new survey, designed to gather your valuable feedback on our services. Whether you have spotted a technical bug, or you visited to search for the latest data products or use cases, we want to hear from you! Your input is crucial in enhancing our website's user-friendliness and usability. Share your thoughts and help us improve your EMODnet experience by filling out our new survey. 

New EMODnet Survey
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Deadline To be announced.

Prepared and published by the EMODnet Secretariat.

The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) is financed by the European Union under Regulation (EU) 2021/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 July 2021 establishing the European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund. 



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