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  30 November 2021  

European Marine Observation and Data Network | EMODnet


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In this issue
New release: EMODnet for Civil Society video

We are delighted to release 'EMODnet for Civil Society', the seventh video of a series of eight illustrating the fundamental role of EMODnet in society.

The video sheds light on how civil society organisations can use EMODnet data to support their work, empowering citizens around Europe and beyond to make ocean-wise decisions. EMODnet can also help civil society organisations to share their data more widely, adding value to their work.

EMODnet for Civil Society
EMODnet thematic updates
EMODnet Biology
Two new publications

EMODnet Biology has recently released a new document on the EMODnet Biology data flow for Phase IV, that recognises the strong ongoing collaboration with LifeWatch and EurOBIS and EMODnet Biology’s contribution of data management, data product generation and data services to international networks such as OBIS and GBIF.

EMODnet Biology also released an Inventory of possible historical data resources within the consortium as a result of an internal survey for historical datasets that can potentially be used for digitisation through citizen science efforts.

General data flow within EMODnet Biology
EMODnet Biology
Last data harvest

The last EMODnet Biology data harvest of 2021 was finalised in late October and resulted in the addition of 39 new datasets and one update. In total, 100K+ occurrence records were added, raising the number of datasets with online data to 1181. All procedures undertaken by data providers and the data management team were aimed at improving the FAIRness of the (meta)data and allow for these data to be reused for multiple purposes.

This brings the EMODnet Biology occurrence records to 26.5 Million, with 84% of those passing Quality Control checks, originating from 1181 datasets.

Last EMODnet Biology data harvest
EMODnet Chemistry
Marine litter database system from EU to global perspective

EMODnet Chemistry co-organised the latest UN Ocean Decade Laboratory: A Clean Ocean workshop “One Integrated Marine Debris Observing system for a Clean Ocean” on 17-19 November 2021. And work continues at EU level to further consolidate EMODnet Chemistry's role in providing quality-controlled data to tackle high priority issues relating to marine litter pollution in Europe and beyond. In particular, the recently updated EMODnet Chemistry pan-European beach litter database builds upon previous versions and will be used to revise the EU beach litter baselines.

Plastics on a pebble beach
EMODnet Seabed Habitats
Conference on Climate Change in the Caspian Sea 2021

EMODnet Seabed Habitats joined the Scientific Conference on Climate Change in the Caspian Sea Region (27-28 October) to present the challenges of delivery of EMODnet Seabed Habitats broad-scale seabed habitat map (EUSeaMap) in the Caspian Sea.

Caspian Sea satellite image from Sentinel-3 mission
EMODnet Seabed Habitats
EMODnet Seabed Habitats Phase IV

Phase IV of the EMODnet Seabed Habitats project commenced in September 2021, and will run for 2 years through to 2023. The project aims to build on the existing data products hosted on the EMODnet Seabed Habitats Map Viewer and expand geographical coverage of the project to the Caspian Sea and selected EU territories in the Caribbean.

EMODnet at recent Events
EC Blue Economy Conference at Sealogy 2021

On 18 November, the EMODnet Secretariat was invited to present at the EC Blue Economy Conference, taking place back-to-back with Sealogy® 2021 in Ferrara, Italy.

The EMODnet presentation took place in the Closing Plenary Session on “Blue knowledge, skills and innovation for a sustainable blue economy” and highlighted the many win-win collaborations that EMODnet already has with the Blue Economy.

EMODnet at EC Blue Economy Conference (Sealogy 2021)
permalink Main URL
date 18/11/2021
Upcoming events
Ocean Hackathon 2021: Grand Finale

On December 15th, the winners of the 14 cities participating in the 6th Ocean Hackathon® 2021 will present their project at the International Grand Finale.

Come and encourage the winning teams of the 14 cities who have been organising the local edition of Ocean Hackathon® when they pitch their project in 5 minutes. Discover at the end of the Grand Finale who will be the 3 final winning teams.

EMODnet has been a proud ambassador for this year’s edition and has contributed by coaching during the hackathon weekend (November 5-7, 2021), providing technical advice on EMODnet’s data, data products and services, and promoting the event. The EMODnet Secretariat has been invited to be part of the jury of the Grand Finale.

permalink Main URL
date 15/12/2021
venue Brest, France & online
Registration Register to the Grand Finale
See also Grand Finale of Ocean Hackathon 2021
Future of our Seas

The virtual Marine Stakeholder Conference “Future of our Seas” will bring together a diverse group of stakeholders, who will be able to confront their views on the adoption and future of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the protection and management of the marine environment. EMODnet thematic Coordinators and the Secretariat will participate and registration is still possible, but compulsory through the website.

The conference will be live streamed.

date 17/12/2021
See also EC Conference page
Contact ENV Marine Environment & Water Indu...
Blue-Cloud Hackathon

The overarching goal of Blue-Cloud is to federate key existing European marine data infrastructures through innovative digital services, fostering Open Science in the marine domain in support of evidence-based decision making and a sustainable blue economy.

The Blue-Cloud Hackathon is an open invitation to marine scientists & researchers, data scientists, ICT experts, innovators, students, and anyone who is passionate about the Ocean to explore and test Blue-Cloud: A new, Open Science platform for the marine domain offering a wealth of data, analytical tools and computing power to support you in developing solutions for a safe, healthy, productive, predictive and transparent Ocean.

Participate and Decode the Ocean!

Blue-Cloud Hackathon - Decode the Ocean
date 07/02/2022 - 09/02/2022
venue Online
Organiser Blue-Cloud
Registration Registrations are now open
See also Blue-Cloud Data Discovery and Access Ser...
European Maritime Day (EMD) 2022
European Maritime Day (EMD) 2022 is taking place in Ravenna, Italy on May 19 and 20, 2022. As a first step the Commission is calling all the interested stakeholders to apply for the organisation of a workshop (deadline 5 December 2021).
permalink Main URL
date 19/05/2022 - 20/05/2022
Registration Apply for organising a workshop
Consultations & Calls
Action plan to conserve fisheries resources and protect marine ecosystems: Your opinion counts – take part in targeted consultation
The European Commission has launched a targeted consultation to ask stakeholders for their involvement in shaping the upcoming Action plan to conserve fisheries resources and protect marine ecosystems. Have your say and take part in the consultation.
date 20/12/2021
See also Take part in the consultation
Ocean Decade launches new Call for Decade Actions No. 02/2021

The new Call for Decade Actions No. 02/2021 is an open invitation for partners from around the world to request endorsement for transformative Decade Actions that contribute to the Ocean Decade vision.

This Call, the second of a series that will be launched every 6 months as part of the Ocean Decade, will focus on Decade programmes that address priority issues including marine pollution, multiple stressors on marine ecosystems or the ocean-climate nexus.

date 28/10/2021
See also Ocean Decade launches new Call
Subscribe to Newsroom
Stay connected: The EMODnet Newsletter has moved to the EC platform Newsroom

As reported in the August 2021 edition, the EMODnet News Digest has moved to a new EC Newsroom format.

What can you do to stay connected? Subscribe to Newsroom today, so you don't miss any future EMODnet communications.

If you are no longer interested in receiving our newsletters, you do not need to do anything as our old mailing list will be retired by the end of the year, which is in line with our privacy rules.

date 28/10/2021
See also Subscribe to the EMODnet Newsletter
Prepared and published by the EMODnet Secretariat.

The European Marine Observation and Data Network (EMODnet) is financed by the European Union under Regulation (EU) No 508/2014 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund.

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The European Commission is committed to personal data protection. Any personal data is processed in line with the Regulation (EU) 2018/1725. Please read the privacy statement