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  February 2024  

Clinical Trials Highlights

Updates on the ACT EU initiative, CTIS and the clinical trials landscape in the EU

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This newsletter provides the latest news on clinical trials from the European Medicines Regulatory Network (EMRN), including news on the joint Accelerating Clinical Trials in the EU (ACT EU) initiative and on the Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS). 

Final year of CTR transition

We are now in the final year of transition from the Clinical Trials Directive to the Clinical Trials Regulation (CTR). The application of the CTR strengthens Europe as an attractive location for clinical research by streamlining the processes for application, supervision of clinical trials and the publication of clinical trial data in the Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS).  

All ongoing clinical trials in the EU must be transitioned to CTIS by 30 January 2025. Sponsors with clinical trials expected to continue beyond that date must consider the time required for Member States to complete the authorisation procedure, which can take up to three months.

To help streamline the process, Member States will implement, where possible, an expedited procedure for transitioning trials to the CTR, as described in the CTCG Best practice guide.

There is also guidance and additional support materials available to help sponsors make the transition. Sponsors can also attend dedicated training and info events, including the CTIS bitesize talk on 29 February 2024 and a CTIS Info day on 25 March 2024.

- The EMA Clinical Trials Team


Multi-stakeholder platform (MSP) Advisory Group

The composition of the MSP Advisory Group is now published, including key stakeholders’ representatives who will meet regularly to provide advice on ACT EU activities. The Head of the Spanish Medicines Agency, María Lamas, is the regulatory co-chair. The process to select the stakeholder co-chair will be launched at the group's inaugural meeting on 20 March 2024.


Save the date: SNSA training webinar on 19 April 2024

ACT EU and the EU Innovation Network are organising a webinar on Simultaneous National Scientific Advice (SNSA) on 19 April 2024. The event will provide information on the ongoing SNSA pilot and how it can be used, present the optimised procedure for the pilot’s phase 2, highlight benefits for applicants, and answer questions. An event page will soon be available on the EMA website.

Clinical trial analytics workshop

Over 200 participants joined the workshop on Clinical Trials Analytics on 25-26 January 2024. Discussions highlighted the need for improved access to detailed and up-to-date clinical trial data, as well as the importance of patient involvement, standardisation, and identification of the right data sources. The video and presentations are available on the event page.


SAFE CT training for clinical trial safety assessors

On 15-16 January 2024 EMA hosted the annual SAFE-CT Safety Assessor event, as part of the activities of ACT EU’s priority action on safety monitoring.


CTIS development

Transparency rules in CTIS

EMA is working on the technical implementation of the revised CTIS transparency rules, foreseen for Q2 2024. In the meantime, for initial clinical trials applications sponsors may already follow the principles of the revised CTIS transparency rules. Further information is available under section 4 of the updated Q&A on protection of confidential information and personal data in CTIS.


Recent improvements in CTIS

Latest improvements include enhancements in application creation, preparation of documents and data; authorisation and supervision of trials; downloading information from the public portal; communication between sponsors and MS; user registration and authentication. More details on recent improvements are available on the CTIS website.


CTIS training

Resources for sponsors transitioning trials to CTR

Clinical trials authorised under the Clinical Trials Directive likely to be ongoing beyond 30 January 2025 need to be transitioned to the Clinical Trials Regulation. Resources and guidance from the European Medicines Regulatory Network are available on the CTIS website, under the section “Transitioning Trials”.

Access to CTIS Training Environment

Sponsors may express their interest in accessing the CTIS training environment via an open survey, which collects information to identify the needs and intention for use of CTIS and support decisions on granting access to the CTIS Training Environment. Access will expire after 6 months to allow as many sponsors as possible to benefit from the training environment.

CTIS events

Save the date for upcoming CTIS events

EMA and the EMRN continue to provide training events and information sessions to support CTIS users. All EMA-run events are live broadcast and a video recording is made available after each session on the respective event pages.


General Updates

Revised SME user guide

EMA has released a major revision of its user guide for micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the pharmaceutical sector. The SME guide contains comprehensive information on the EU legislative framework for medicines, outlining requirements for the development and authorisation of medicines for human and veterinary use. This update reflects the changes introduced by the CTR and the CTIS.

Big Data Steering Group - Annual report 2023

The Big Data Steering Group (BDSG) has adopted the report on its 2023 activities. Significant progress in the transformation to data-driven regulation continued in 2023, in line with the European medicines agencies network strategy to 2025 and the 4th BDSG workplan 2023-2025. This also includes the AI workplan 2023-2028 for the European medicines regulatory network to guide the use of AI in medicines regulation in Europe to 2028.

Clinical trials ‘raw data’ pilot: last chance to register

The pilot, which will include ten regulatory procedures in total, recently selected its sixth and seventh procedures: two initial marketing authorisation applications in oncology and gastroenterology.

Applicants or marketing authorisation holders who are planning to submit an initial or post-authorisation marketing authorisation application to EMA by the second quarter of 2024 can still express their interest to participate in the proof-of-concept pilot by writing to before recruitment concludes.

Participation in the pilot offers a unique opportunity to contribute to the pilot’s learnings which will, in turn, help the EMRN make an informed decision on the role of clinical trials raw data in the EU regulatory decision-making process. The interim pilot report, a summary of which is expected to be published in Q2 2024, will include initial insights on the role of analysis of clinical trial ‘raw data’ submitted to EMA in electronic structured format.

Further information is available on EMA’s Big Data webpage.

Changes to EMA Account Management

Implementation of multi-factor authentication

As part of continuous efforts to further reinforce the security of user accounts, since January 2024 the EMA Account Management platform has introduced Multi Factor Authentication (MFA). Detailed instructions on setting up MFA for EMA systems are available here

Enhancements in the management of organisation merges

Users with User Administrators roles in EMA Account Management, e.g. CTIS Member State Administrators or CTIS Sponsor Administrators, receive email notifications if their organisation has been merged with others due to duplicate entries or acquisitions.

Since January 2024, when requesting access to EMA applications on behalf of an organisation, users are able to select a merged organisation. The merged organisations are displayed with a special location indicating the “surviving” organisation. Users can also request to access historical data or data not yet migrated to the “surviving” organisation. A step-by-step guide on how to request access is available here

Opt-in to email authentication for EMA systems

EMA has introduced Bring Your Own Identity (BYOI) authentication capabilities, to improve security and usability of EMA applications. BYOI allows email address authentication for EMA applications, removing the need for users to remember their EMA username and password. Users can opt-in to email authentication in EMA Account Management by following the detailed instructions.

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ISSN: 2811-8073 | Catalogue Number: TC-AL-24-001-EN-Q