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  05 July 2023  

China IP SME Helpdesk Newsletter

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In this edition
Latest IP Updates in China
CNIPA to increase fees for the international phase of PCT applications

The China National Intellectual Property Administration(CNIPA) issued a notice to increase fees in RMB for the international phase of PCT applications. It will come into effect on July 1, 2023.

China-France PPH pilot program launched on June

On 1 June 2023, the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) project between China and France will come to effect. “PPH is a fast-track way to leverage patent examination procedures of different countries or

CNIPA Commissioner Meets EU Ambassador to China on June 6

On June 6, Ambassador of the European Union to China Mr. Jorge Toledo met with the Commissioner of the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) Mr. Shen Changyu to discuss IP related matters between China and the EU. The two sides discussed “trademark protection, pharmaceutical patent protection, protection and cooperation in geographical indication, IPR protection in e-commerce and other issues.”

Upcoming events
IP Workshop | Design Protection in China, Session II on July 6th

date 06/07/2023
Hybrid Seminar | Protecting your Innovations in China: Update in Legal Changes on July 12th

date 12/07/2023
IP Considerations for innovative tech companies

date 13/07/2023
Contact Us
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