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  29 April 2022  

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Latest IP updates in India
Check the latest EUIPO-EUROPOL study: Intellectual Property Crime Threat Assessment 2022
The latest edition of this jointly produced study shows how IP crimes are a threat to the health and safety of consumers as well as economically damaging.
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IP awareness session on performer´s rights
Among multiple initiatives arround the globe for the World IP Day, India had a seat at the Institute of Film, Communication and Creative Arts to raise awareness on the importance of protecting author and performer´s rights via Copyright.
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India´s Government proposes the creation of intellectual property divisions in High Courts
After the abolition of the Intellectual Property Apellate Board (IPAB), a parliamentary panel suggests the creation of multiple intellectual property divisions (IPDs) in the different high courts across the country.
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National patent applications in India surpassed international patent applications for the first time in 11 years!
Today, the Government of India published a very promissing press release. For the first time in 11 years, the number of domestic patent applications has surpassed the number of international patent filings at the Indian patent office.
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Out now: Factsheet - ICT sector in India
India’s Information and Communication Technology (ICT) sector and digital economy has played a significant role in accelerating and modernising India’s economic growth. Discover the last developments with our latest factsheet.
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Recent decision from the Dehli High court revives PPL application as a Copyright Society
PPL was the sole registered copyright society for public performance rights and broadcasting for sound recordings, until 2012, when the Copyright (Amendment) Act introduced new obligations for the management of copyright societies requiring that existing societies register again under the new process, in order to carry on their commercial activities.
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WIPO-India Summer School on Intellectual Property
The WIPO Academy, the RGNIIPM Nagpur and the Maharashtra National Law University Nagpur, will be hosting WIPO-INDIA training program online in India.
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Strengthening EU-India Cooperation on Energy and Climate Action through Business Collaboration
Check the recent special report of the Europe-India Business Council on the latest developments of Climate Action collaboration between both regions. We are happy to highlight the article drafted by our colleague Joel Fernandes Project Officer at the India IP SME Helpdesk and the Europe-India Business Council.
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New publications
Making sense of NFT’s and what they mean from an IP standpoint in India
The article is an attempt to explain the link between NFTs which are so often talked about these days and copyright and set right some misconceptions regarding copyrights associated with the art when one buys the NFT.
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