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  01 April 2022  

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Helpline services available for EU/COSME SMEs
Send us your IP queries!

The Helpline service provides first-line assistance on Intellectual Property protection and IP rights enforcement in India. All questions sent through this service will receive a tailor-made answer by our IP experts or it will be signposted to appropriate organisations within no more than 3 working days.

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Latest IP updates in India
India strives to retain more local patent applications
India´s patent filings have been experiencing an explosive growth over the past years. Nevertheless, there is still a long way to go. In terms of sheer numbers, India is still behind compared to countries like USA or China.
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The Chief Justice of India calls for raising the number of judges in High Courts
Chief Justice of India, NV Ramana recently stressed the need to raise the number of judges in high courts, in particular to efficiently tackle the rising number of intellectual property enforcement cases.
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India´s Supreme court clarifies the likelihood of confusion
A recent case of Trademark enforcement between an American operator and a local Indian undertaking was appealed up to the Supreme Court. The case lied in the interpretation of the likelihood of confusion between two similar signs in the same classes
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Interactive session on the importance of intellectual property rights for SMEs
The Federation of Industrial & Commercial Organisation (FICO) together with the PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry recently organised an interactive session highlighting the importance of IPR protection in particular for small and medium sized companies. Discover the main points and conclusions reached during the event.
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New publications
Blog post: Making sense of NFT’s and what they mean from an IP standpoint in India
NFTs designed to empower artists and creators have on the corollary created a market of sellers and buyers with false ideas of ownerships and assignments of creative works resulting in an array of legal puzzlements. Find more about its characteristics and intricacies.
author Inida IP SME Helpdesk
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Blog post: Copyright Protection in India- Overview and Recent Developments
Copyright is an intellectual property right that law gives to a creator of literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic work and a producer of cinematograph films and sound recordings. Discover its special features in India.
author India IP SME Helpdesk
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Request a meeting with our IP experts
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Do you need intellectual property support for registering your trade marks, patents, designs and copyright in India? Book an online meeting with our IP experts and get free and confidential advice on how to manage and protect your IP rights in the Indian market

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