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  03 December 2021  

Newsletter - India IP SME Helpdesk

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In this edition
Helpline services available for EU/COSME SMEs
Send us your IP queries!

The Helpline service provides first-line assistance on Intellectual Property protection and IP rights enforcement in India. All questions sent through this service will receive a tailor-made answer by our IP experts or it will be signposted to appropriate organisations within no more than 3 working days.

date 26/05/2021
See also Website
Latest IP updates in India
Check the latest chages in the patent system in India
The Office of the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trademarks recently published the Amendment of rules for Patent registration in India 2021. Such document reflects upon the latest changes and incentives launched by the Indian Government in order to motivate companies and research instituions arround the world to opt for IPR protection in India.
date 03/12/2021
See also For more
WIPI report: India leads global patent filing growth
Worldwide IPR-filing activity increased in 2020, defying the current global economic challenges and showcasing vibrant entrepreneurship and the rise of new goods and services in response to the pandemic. These results show how the Indian government´s efforts are helping to push the country towards a strong and vibrant innovation ecosystem.
date 03/12/2021
See also For more
New publications
A short introduction to Trade Secrets in India
While information is an asset for any business, trade secrets are often crucial for the very survival of the business. It can include strategies, designs, client database, formulae, programs, and any other information which is confidential in nature and needs to be kept a secret. Check our latest blog post on the best practices to obtain trade secret protection in India.
date 03/12/2021
See also For more
Green patents: time for India to introduce them?
Promoting green technology is essential to the development of the goal of “green economic growth”, i.e. growth which is no longer based on highly-polluting manufacturing, is it the right time for India to join the movement?
date 03/12/2021
See also For more
Upcoming events
Indian Cosmetics Industry: how can European SMEs protect their brand and innovation?

The training on opportunities for European SMEs in the Indian cosmetics industry is brought to you by the Global Cosmetics Cluster-Europe and the India IP SME Helpdesk.

date 09/12/2021 - 09/12/2021
venue Online
Organiser India IP SME Helpdesk
Registration Register here
International Mobility Days 2021

The event focuses on internationalisation in the mobility sector and it is organised by the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber together with the Enterprise Europe Network and other Austrian partners

International Mobility Days 2021
date 03/12/2021
venue Vienna & virtual
Organiser Austrian Federal Economic Chamber
Registration Register here
Focus India: Entrepreneurship and business opportunities in India, intellectual property protection

During the webinar, you will learn about doing business in the Indian market, available business opportunities and the support offered by EU companies in various sectors in India. You will discover the best strategy to protect your intellectual property in doing business in India, with a special focus on protecting innovation. Finally, you hear the success stories and experiences of Slovak companies doing business in the Indian market.

Focus India: Entrepreneurship and business opportunities in India, intellectual property protection
date 14/12/2021 - 14/12/2021
venue Online
Organiser Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Registration Register here
MEDICA Healthcare Brokerage Event 2021

rganised on the occasion of the MEDICA 2021 event, which is set to take place 15-18 November, the brokerage event is organised by ZENIT GmbH and the Enterprise Europe Network. The aim is to assist enterprises, universities and research institutions in finding partners worldwide for product development, manufacturing and licensing agreements, distribution partnerships, research cooperation, joint ventures, financing/investment, public buyers or other types of partnership.

MEDICA Healthcare Brokerage Event 2021
date 01/10/2021 - 23/12/2021
venue Dusseldorf & Online
Organiser Zenit GmbH
Registration Register here
Request a meeting with our IP experts
Meet our IP experts!

Do you need intellectual property support for registering your trade marks, patents, designs and copyright in India? Book an online meeting with our IP experts and get free and confidential advice on how to manage and protect your IP rights in the Indian market

date 03/12/2021
See also Website
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