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  25 November 2021  

Newsletter - Latin America IP SME Helpdesk

Your monthly digest of IP news in Latin America directly to your inbox

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In this edition
Upcoming events
Intellectual Property in Latin America: healthcare sector

The Healthcare sector is a highly innovative and challenging industry where ground-breaking products and technologies are needed to stay ahead of the competition. Research and development efforts on pharmaceutical products, medical technologies, equipment and devices are protected from unlawful copy, misappropriation or even loss of the right by different IP rights or mechanisms, such as Patents, Trade Secrets or Industrial Designs. This webinar organised by Enrich in LAC in cooperation with Latin America IP SME Helpdesk will provide EU SMEs interested in internationalising to Latin America with an overview of the most important IP tools in the sector.

date 30/11/2021
Registration Registration link
EU – LATAM SUMMIT en Economía Circular 2021 (event in Spanish)

La Agencia Andaluza del Conocimiento en colaboración con la Fundación para el Conocimiento Madri+d y los Business Cooperation Centres de América Latina de la Enterprise Europe Network, organizan el evento virtual EU – LATAM SUMMIT en Economía Circular 2021. Este evento internacional reunirá a entidades de Europa y América Latina trabajando en el ámbito de la Economía Circular, para hablar de las últimas novedades, tendencias y tecnologías en materia de sostenibilidad y economía circular. El Latin America IP SME Helpdesk presentará sus servicios el día 1 de diciembre durante la conferencia "Programas e Iniciativas de apoyo a la Economía Circular".

date 01/12/2021
Registration Registration link
GLOBAL EUROPE - EU funded projects supporting businesses to look beyond the EU and internationalize

The Global Europe webinar brings you key projects funded by the European Commission that support your European business directly to your home office. Join this online session and discover how you can seize international opportunities for your organization or EU business. During this webinar you will learn how to access EU-funded, effective, free, and professional services that will kick start your internationalisation to critical markets such as Latin America, China, India, Turkey, and Eastern European countries. Whether it is about exporting your goods and services to other markets, technology transfer – join us and get your answers.

date 30/11/2021
Registration Registration link
Latest IP updates in Latin America
The main challenges when applying for a patent in Argentina for EU SMEs

If you are an EU SME trying to internationalise to Argentina, we propose to you in this article an updated analysis of the Argentinian Patent system. Knowing the advantages and challenges when applying for a patent in Argentina will be very useful to you, if you wish to embark on a new path towards this Latin American country.

New publications
Intellectual property enforcement in Brazil

This factsheet aims to provide an overview of the legal framework in Brazil regarding IPR enforcement, focusing on the law applicable to each case and the kind of injunctions and remedies that can be applied for, as well as some practical advice.

Introduction to IP valuation

Many companies create and own IP in the course of their activity. It can be technical innovations protectable through patents, technological or commercial information that can be protected as trade secrets, works protected through copyright or design rights, or brands protected through trade marks. Most companies only “own” these IP Rights and have little or no information about their real value. Therefore, it is important for companies to know the real value of their IP assets. This is what IP valuation is about. It will shed light on potential commercial opportunities. It can also ease decision-making processes involving IP Rights.

IP systems comparative: Mexico vs Europe

In 2019, Mexico was the 12th largest partner for EU exports of goods and the 15th largest partner for EU imports of goods. As one of the main Latin American economies, Mexico is a key market for European companies in the region. Nevertheless, European SMEs should be cautious when entering the Mexican market to ensure that their intellectual property rights are adequately protected there. Remember that registered IP rights are territorial in nature and are therefore protected only in the territory in which they have been registered. Consequently, any IP Rights registered in Europe will have no legal validity in Mexico, until they are also registered in this country.

Helpline service available for EU/COSME SMEs
Send us your IP queries

The Helpline service provides first-line assistance on Intellectual Property protection and IP rights enforcement in Latin America. All questions sent through this service will receive a tailor-made answer by our IP experts or it will be signposted to appropriate organisations within no more than 3 working days.

Helpline service available for EU SMEs
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