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  26 April 2021  

Newsletter - Latin America IP SME Helpdesk

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In this edition
The IP Helpdesk celebrates World IP Day
Happy World IP Day 2021!

This week we will be celebrating the World IP Day. This is an ideal opportunity to show the benefits and the real impact of intellectual property in our daily lives! We couldn't agree more with this year's topic: "IP & SMEs: Taking your ideas to the market". The Latin America IP Helpdesk is participating in two webinars (delivered in Spanish). We also invite you to explore the events calendar provided by WIPO, where you will find a wide range of events organised by other stakeholders committed to raising awareness regarding the importance of IP.

See also Visit the Wold IP Day Events calendar
Upcoming events
Online event - Webinar in Spanish
La propiedad intelectual y las empresas de base tecnológica

Este webinar, centrado en la experiencia de empresas e instituciones operando en Latinoamérica, ofrece un recorrido sobre cómo y cuándo proteger los activos tecnológicos y sobre como transformar a la PI en un valor.

La propiedad intelectual y las empresas de base tecnológica
Date 27/04/2021 - 28/04/2021
Register Registration link
Online event - Webinar in Spanish
Propiedad intelectual: estrategias para afrontar el mercado de América Latina

Este webinar, organizado por Cámara Valencia e IVACE, trata de sensibilizar a las empresas a proteger sus innovaciones y desarrollos, centrándose en las estrategias y recomendaciones para los intercambios comerciales con Latinoamérica.

Propiedad intelectual: estrategias para afrontar el mercado de América Latina
Date 27/04/2021
Register Registration link
New publications
Intellectual Property Enforcement in Uruguay

An IP right gives its holder a wide range of rights to prevent third parties from taking advantage of the use or commercialisation of the underlying intellectual asset (brand, invention, etc.). This factsheet aims to provide an overview of the legal framework in Uruguay regarding IPR enforcement, focusing on the law applicable to each case and the kind of injunctions and remedies that can be applied for, as well as some practical advice.

See also Download full publication
IP in the agri-food sector: geographical indications

The agri-food sector, which covers the production, processing, packing and distribution of food and drink products, has been experiencing a strong growth in Latin America with a positive impact on its competitiveness for more than a decade. Currently, the sector has a positive dynamism and enjoys a privileged position for further development due to this region’s growing population, natural resources, biodiversity and the huge potential of new arable land (especially in Brazil and Argentina).

IP in the agri-food sector: geographical indications
See also Download full publication
Helpline service available for EU/COSME SMEs
Send us your IP queries

The Helpline service provides first-line assistance on Intellectual Property protection and IP rights enforcement in Latin America. All questions sent through this service will receive a tailor-made answer by our IP experts or it will be signposted to appropriate organisations within no more than 3 working days.

Helpline service available for EU SMEs
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