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European Commission Horizon 2020 SME Instrument
In this issue - April 2017
The results of for the January and February cut-offs of the SME Instrument are out! The EU will invest more than €110 million in 178 companies under Phase 1 of the SME Instrument and 71 under Phase 2. More funding opportunities for SMEs in the field of the environment can be found under the EU's Life programme - check if you are eligible to receive up to 60% co-financing. Read more in the articles below and don't forget to enjoy spring!


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SME Instrument: Change in templates to reflect societal impacts
The templates for SME Instrument Phase1 and Phase 2 have been updated to include an assessment of expected impacts on society and the environment.
Co-funding available for close-to-market environment and climate solutions
Is your company working on a solution that benefits the climate or the environment? Check the EU's LIFE programme: You might be eligible to receive up to 60% co-financing.
Results and Statistics
SME Instrument: EU to invest €8.9 million in 184 innovative businesses
184 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from 28 countries have been selected for funding in the latest round of the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument.
Commission to invest over €103 million in 71 innovative companies under the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument
71 small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) from 22 countries have been selected for funding in the latest round of the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument Phase 2.
Interactive map, figures and statistics - check our environment and resources data hub!
Interactive figures and statistics, an easily loadable map with all the companies funded by the SME Instrument, a list of projects in your business area or region – you name it! Our new interactive data hub goes live today and will be able to cater for all your needs.
Meet the EU-SME Instrument delegation attending IEexpo 2017
After a thorough evaluation process, the SME Instrument team is proud to introduce 15 innovative companies that will participate to IEexpo 2017. The delegation has been selected as part of the SME Instrument Overseas Trade Fairs programme that helps SME Instrument companies internationalise their business by giving them a privileged access to global trade fairs.
Meet the SME Instrument Innovators
Virtual reality at the service of healthcare
Far from gaming centres, virtual reality is slowly gaining prominence in the medical field as different applications such as diagnostics tools, testing equipment and therapeutic devices are gradually being developed. SME Instrument-funded VIMIND is part of this emerging trend with their diagnostics tool that use virtual reality to spot mental illnesses.
Artomatix is shaping the future of 3D design with AI
Irish start-up Artomatix has just closed a seed round and has raises €2.1m to develop 3d immersive worlds using artificial intelligence.
This is a newsletter from the European Commission, Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME) published every first week of the month.

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