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European Commission Horizon 2020 SME Instrument
In this issue - December 2016
Since the launch of the Horizon 2020's SME Instrument in 2014, the European Union has invested more than €870 million in almost 2200 innovative projects. You can find all of them in our new interactive tool – the SME Instrument data hub introduced in November. Find out more in the articles below, read about the EU's new initiative to boost start-ups in Europe and meet two companies selected for the SME Instrument. With this last SME Instrument newsletter of the year, we wish you a very successful new year and don't forget, the next cut-off is already on 18 January!


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The new SME Instrument data hub goes live!
Interactive figures and statistics, an easily loadable map with all the companies funded by the SME Instrument, a list of projects in your business area or region – you name it! Our new interactive data hub goes live today and will be able to cater for all your needs.
Did you know that…? 15 facts about the SME Instrument
Did you know that almost half of the companies applying to the SME Instrument are micro-sized enterprises, that most companies apply for ICT and that Ireland is the most efficient country in getting its proposals funded?
Commission gives boost to start-ups in Europe
The Commissions' new Start-up and Scale-up Initiative aims to give the most innovative European entrepreneurs the opportunity to take their start-ups from the ideas stage into world leading companies.
Results and Statistics
Commission to invest €80 million in 58 innovative companies under the Horizon 2020 SME Instrument
58 small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) from 16 countries have been selected for funding in the latest round of the Horizon2020 SME Instrument Phase 2. In this phase of the instrument, each project will receive up to €2.5 million (€5 million for health projects) to finance innovation activities. The total amount to be distributed between the SMEs working on 51 projects is €80 million.
Horizon 2020 SME Innovation Associate: € 7 million to fund 71 innovative projects
71 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from 17 countries have been selected for funding in the pilot run of the Horizon 2020 SME Innovation Associate programme.
SME Instrument: € 500 million invested in more than 1400 companies in 2014-2015
Over 20.000 applications received, € 500 million invested in more than 1400 projects and more than € 692 million of private equity attracted. Since 2014, the European Union's new € 80 billion Framework Program for Research and Innovation - Horizon 2020 – contains a dedicated tool for financing innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) . ​
Meet the SME Instrument Innovators
Scottish Nova Innovation: a growth path powered by tidal energy
Nova Innovation is a Scottish-based company founded in 2010 that designs, builds, installs and operates tidal energy projects. Operating from two sites in Edinburgh and Shetland, Nova Innovation installed the world’s first community-owned tidal energy device in 2014. In August 2016 the company announced the deployment of the world’s first fully-operational, grid-connected offshore tidal array in Shetland.
SME Instrument Innovator Exogenus Therapeutics wins the Everis Foundation Award 2016
Portuguese health company Exogenus Therapeutics (Exo-T) has won the Everis Foundation Award 2016. The award distinguishes every year projects from Industry, Biotechnology & Health, and Digital Economy. The fifteenth edition received more than 600 applications from 10 countries. As a winner, Exo-T will be awarded 60.000 euros, and will have access to consultancy from i-deals, the technology broker of Everis, valued at 10.000 euros.
This is a newsletter from the European Commission, Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME) published every first Wednesday of the month.

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