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European Commission Horizon 2020 SME Instrument
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SME Instrument invests € 73 million in 50 innovative SMEs under Phase 2
50 SMEs from 14 countries have been selected in the latest round of Horizon 2020 SME Instrument Phase 2. Each project, 47 in total, will receive up to € 2.5 million (€ 5 million for health projects) to finance innovation activities like demonstration, testing, piloting, scaling up and miniaturisation, in addition to developing a mature business plan for their product.
189 innovative SMEs selected for funding under Phase 1 (February cut-off)
189 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from 26 countries have been selected for funding in the latest round of Horizon2020 SME Instrument, for Phase 1 under February 2016 cut-off.
10 reasons to apply for the SME Innovation Associate
The EU wants to help entrepreneurs turn knowledge into innovation and substantial growth for the company. We offer to support the matchmaking of a brilliant European company (SME or Start-up) with a great business idea and a top class researcher from all over the world (PhD holder). There are many reasons why your business could benefit from the SME Innovation Associate, here are a few of them.
969 Phase 2 proposals submitted under April 2016 cut-off
For the second Phase 2 cut-off in 2016 on April 19, EASME received 969 proposals from 36 countries. ICT was the most popular topic with 216 proposals submitted or 22% of the total of applications. It was followed by Low Carbon & Efficient Energy (116 proposals), Transport & Smart Mobility (104) and Nanotechnologies (93). Most proposals have been submitted by SMEs from Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom. These three countries together initiated about 43% of the applications.
Global Commerce Provider Magento chooses French Platform.sh to operate its New Enterprise Cloud Offering
Magento Commerce, announced that it's new Magento Enterprise Cloud Edition product will be operated by French SME Instrument champion Platform.sh.
Key takeaways from CeBIT 2016: Dyadic shares its experience
March 2016 has meant a whirlwind of travel for Dyadic. The CEO, Avner Mor, started the month in San Francisco, spent the middle of the month in Hannover, Germany and is closing out the month in The Hague, Netherlands. This was the company's first year exhibiting at CeBIT, hence Avner Mor gives us his impressions.
This is a newsletter from the European Commission, Executive Agency for SMEs (EASME).

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