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  27 November 2023  

European Citizens’ Initiative


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4 new ECI registrations

On 8 November, not less than 4 new initiatives were registered calling the European Commission for action in different domains.

EU Live Bus Stop Info

Trust and Freedom

'I'm Going European': An ECI to Connect your National and European Citizenship

Creation of a European Environment Authority

Their organisers can start collecting support between now and 8 May. To find out more on any of these initiatives, check our website.


‘ImagineEU’ video competition – last two weeks to apply

You’ve got time until 13 December to get your applications in for the ImagineEU video competition!

Based on the concept of the ECI, students from all EU countries in their final two years of high school can team up with their classmates and make a video about their ideas that could one day become EU laws. The three winning teams will win a study trip to Brussels to see how the EU institutions work.

Find out more about the competition, in any of the official EU languages!


New ECI opened for signature collection in November

On 17 November, the initiative ‘Effective implementation of the concept of judicial precedent in EU countries’ started collecting signatures. It aims to introduce a mechanism at national level which guarantees mutual recognition of final judicial decisions adopted by courts of other Member States.

If you would like to support this initiative, find out more on our website.


Follow up to ‘Save Cruelty-free Cosmetics' initiative

On 8 November, Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevičius met with the organisers of ‘Save Cruelty-free Cosmetics - Commit to a Europe without Animal Testing', to discuss the Commission’s reply to the initiative. As announced in its reply, the European Commission has started work on a roadmap to phase out animal testing for chemical safety assessments.

A hybrid workshop involving interested stakeholders, including the organisers of the initiative, will take place on 11-12 December to provide ideas and discuss possible approaches for the uptake of non-animal methods in chemical legislation.



30 years of citizenship rights – join the online event

Tune in for the ‘30 years of EU citizenship rights’ online event, organised by the European Commission on November 28 at 19:00 CET. Join the event to explore the benefits that come with being an EU citizen and the significance of EU citizenship rights; there will be a fun quiz to test your EU knowledge and a prize for the winners!

date 28/11/2023

Meet the ECI at the Silesian Science Festival – Katowice, Poland 9-11 December

The European Citizens’ Initiative will be at the Silesian Science Festival in Katowice, Poland, with a presentation on the ECI and a stand where visitors can learn more about open initiatives, as well as about the 'EU Democracy in Action - Have Your Say with the European Citizens' Initiative' toolkit for schools. Don’t miss your chance to pass by and learn more about the ECI!

date 09/12/2023

'Promoting Democratic Engagement of young people at the local and regional level’ - webinar

At the EARLALL webinar ‘Promoting Democratic Engagement of young people at the local and regional level’ on 15 December, you can find out more about the European Citizens’ Initiative and how regions, local authorities and all citizens can benefit. Bonus point: reinforcing the importance of democratic engagement in the lead up to the European elections.

date 15/12/2023

"Take the Initiative" campaign

Will you be the 1000th member of the ECI Facebook group?

Want to connect and interact with organisers, stakeholders and interested citizens? Join the European Citizens’ Initiative Facebook Group! As a member of this network, you will be able to stay informed and share information, news and events concerning the ECI in general and specific initiatives.

Join by clicking on ‘more’ below.


From the ECI Forum

New blog posts

Did you miss the previous ECI Forum Webinars: ‘How to Budget Your ECI?’ and ‘Engaging with Young People in Your ECI – What You Need to Know’? Fear not! Read the key takeaways and highlights in our new blog posts summarising these webinars.


University presentations

The ECI Forum continues to directly engage with university students. ECI experts take the opportunity to discuss the potential of participatory democracy in Europe generally, and the ECI as an important tool more specifically. Over 400 students attended session organised throughout the year.

Would you like the ECI Forum to present (in English) at your university and exchange with you and other students? Contact the ECI Forum via



Tips for your school’s ‘ImagineEU’ competition application

Are you still working on your application for the ‘ImagineEU’ video competition for schools? The Educational Toolkit can help you prepare for it!

You can download it from the link below – it is available in all EU official languages.

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