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  27 October 2022  

European Citizens’ Initiative


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7th successful initiative – ‘Save bees and farmers!’

'Save bees and farmers! Towards a bee-friendly agriculture for a healthy environment' became the 7th successful European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) on 10 October. It has reached 1,054,973 validated statements of support from EU citizens, with thresholds attained in 11 countries.

The initiative calls on the Commission to propose legal measures to phase out synthetic pesticides by 2035, to restore biodiversity and to support farmers in this transition.

Organisers will meet with the Commission to discuss the initiative in the coming weeks. A public hearing will also be organised by the European Parliament. The Commission has until 7 April 2023 to present its official reply, outlining the actions it intends to take.

New Initiative registered – 'European citizens’ initiative for VEGAN MEAL’

On 18 October the Commission registered a European citizens' initiative called 'European citizens' initiative for VEGAN MEAL’.

Organisers call on the Commission to present a proposal requiring private and public places selling food and drinks in Europe to always and explicitly make a vegan alternative available.

Press ‘more’ for the press release.

Open for signatures – 'Focus on Specific Learning Disabilities’

On 27 October, the ‘Focus on Specific Learning Disabilities on EU Level’ initiative opened its signature collection. Organisers call on the Commission to present a proposal for common European guidelines on how to detect and address learning disabilities, and to ensure a better integration of people with such disabilities within educational systems.

Citizen survey: Share your opinion

Would you tell us more about your experiences with the ECI and yourself?

We have launched a short citizens’ survey about the European Citizens’ Initiative. Its results will feed into the Commission’s review of the functioning of the ECI. Questions cover a variety of topics – from knowledge of how the ECI works to whether you have ever wanted to start a new ECI, and more. Share your views today, in the language of your choice, by clicking ‘more’.

ECI at the Thessaloniki Film Festival

Between 3 and 13 November attendees of the Thessaloniki Film Festival can watch the new ECI video in person.

date 03/11/2022 - 13/11/2022
ECI at the Korzo Národní

For those in Czechia, don't miss the opportunity to learn more about the ECI at Korzo Národní on 17 November. An ECI Ambassador will be present to meet you at the ECI stand!

date 17/11/2022 - 17/11/2022
venue Náměstí Václava Havla, Prague, Czechia
"Take the Initiative" campaign
New ECI video

Focusing on your right to engage in topics that matter to you, this new video explains how the ECI can help citizens get involved at EU level. Available with subtitles [CC] in all official EU languages – check it out on our homepage or the Audiovisual portal by clicking ‘more’.

ECI Ambassadors Spotlight: Meet Despina and Nikos from I.R.T.E.A. (Greece)

The Institute of Research & Training on European Affairs (I.R.T.E.A.) from Greece joined the ECI Ambassador programme earlier this year and is represented by Despina Papadaki and Nikos Antonakakis.

I.R.T.E.A. promotes innovative actions and policies on European issues, including open dialogue between Greek civil society and EU officials. They have given presentations to more than 500 young people this year. “As part of our work with young people, we make a link to the ECI – citing it as a ‘good practice’. We have noticed that citizens often hesitate before embracing digital participatory tools, but once they know about the importance of the ECI, they are eagerly waiting for the next initiative.”

One tip for communicating about the ECI: “Stay consistent! People need and want to be informed by us at every step of ECI, otherwise they won’t engage.”

Meet your ECI Ambassadors by clicking ‘more’ below.

Insider tip – messages that matter

Only 2 in 5 EU citizens has heard of the European Citizens’ Initiative (Eurobarometer, 2021). So the next time someone asks you “what is the ECI?”, here is one way to respond:

“The European Citizens’ Initiative is a participatory democracy tool that gives EU citizens the right to have a say in EU policies that affect them. You have the right to sign any open citizens’ initiative or start one. Check out the current initiatives.”

More facts and communication tips can be found in a powerpoint presentation added to the Communication Material page in October. Find out ‘more’.

From the ECI Forum
New blog posts

Check out the new blog posts on the ECI Forum.

‘The students behind EcoScore: You can have an impact even if you do not reach 1 million signatures’, provides advice from organisers of the European Ecoscore initiative. Read or watch their interview.

Read about ECI Day 2022 in ‘ECI as a teenager – what lies ahead?’.

Check out other blog posts on the ECI Forum by clicking ‘more’.

Webinar recording – focused on the online ECI course

Did you miss the webinar on ‘Essential skills for organising a European Citizens’ Initiative’?

Watch the webinar here.

ECI experts Elisa Lironi and Daniela Vancic present THE skills that make a good ECI organiser great and answer participants’ questions. This webinar relates to the online course: Essential Skills for European Citizens' Initiative Organisers. The interactive course helps you learn about the process and practice of developing successful ECIs.

Learn about the ECI at your university

The ECI Forum continues to directly engage with university students. In an online lecture, ECI experts discuss the potential of participatory democracy in Europe generally, and the ECI as an important tool more specifically. More than 200 students attended sessions organised in the past year.

An upcoming exchange is scheduled with students from the University of Gothenburg.

Would you like us to make a presentation at your university? Contact the ECI Forum via

Did you know…? From our FAQs

What are the requirements to submit a valid initiative to the European Commission?

Once an organiser group receives the last certificate of valid signatures from the national competent authorities, the group has 3 months to submit their initiative to the European Commission. You are required to send the submission form via your organiser account. You must also include copies of all the certificates from the national authorities that confirm you’ve collected the minimum number of signatures. Delivering all the individual signatures to the Commission is NOT required.

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