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  29 January 2021  

European Citizens’ Initiative


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Happy 2021! Resolve to help shape the world around you

The European Citizens’ Initiative team sends you best wishes for a happy, healthy and participatory 2021! Start off the year with a resolution to help shape the world around you – get informed, initiate and support initiatives – locally and at European level. Show your support for the Citizens’ Initiative by sharing this newsletter with someone you think may want to get more involved at EU level. Visit our website to find more communication materials to help spread the word.

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Commission reply to ‘Minority SafePack’ initiative

The European Commission published its reply to the 5th successful European citizens’ initiative ‘Minority SafePack – one million signatures for diversity in Europe’ on 15 January. The initiative aims to improve the protection of persons belonging to national and linguistic minorities in the European Union. A wide range of measures addressing several aspects of the initiative’s proposals have been taken over the past years, since the initiative was originally presented in 2013. While careful assessment of the initiative resulted in no further legislative acts proposed, the Commission considers that the full implementation of legislation and policies already in place provides a powerful toolbox to support the initiative’s goals. Read the press release for more information.

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New initiative for ‘a ban on biometric mass surveillance practices' registered

The 76th citizens’ initiative was registered on 7 January! The newest initiative ‘Civil society initiative for a ban on biometric mass surveillance practices’ calls on the Commission to strictly regulate the use of biometric technologies to avoid undue interference with fundamental rights. Organisers have 6 months to start collecting signatures.

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The 1st successful ECI leads to cleaner drinking water for all

On 12 January the revised drinking water directive entered into force – ensuring that drinking water in Europe is safe, good quality and easier to access by vulnerable groups. The scope of the directive was expanded as a direct response to the 1st ever successful European citizens’ initiative ‘Water and sanitation are a human right! Water is a public good, not a commodity!’. This positively benefits all people in the European Union. In addition to working towards the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals, the revised directive will tackle emerging pollutants, like endocrine disruptors, and microplastics. Member States now have 2 years to implement it into their laws.

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Lend your support to the on-going initiatives

Check out the 13 initiatives currently collecting statements of support. You can show your support by signing the initiatives and sending them to 5 people who may also be interested. Topics range from environmental and climate issues to anti-corruption, universal basic income and voting, and more!

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From the Forum
Spanish campaigns address the digital divide

Several local citizens’ initiatives are looking for solutions to close the digital gap in their communities. Through manifestos and calling on authorities, they hope to ensure better access to the Internet as well as digital training for women, migrants, the elderly and people with disabilities. The digital divide is an issue across many Member States; head over to the European Citizens’ Initiative Forum to get inspired by these local efforts and contribute to the discussion.

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What can we learn from the ECI for the Conference on the Future of Europe?

In this Forum blog post, 2 scholars share their ideas for the organisers of the upcoming Conference on the Future of Europe. They argue that there is a lot to be learnt from the successes and failures of the ECI, as this tool has shown that it is possible to involve citizens in EU policy-making through connecting EU policies with national political debates. Learn about their arguments and aspirations for “democratic participation beyond the nation-state” in the Forum blog.

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Share your views on the Forum discussion space

Have an opinion to share? Head to the European Citizens’ Initiative Forum discussion page to start a conversation. For example, there was a recent post about EU-China investment agreement. See another discussion thread that sparks your interest? We encourage you to reply and continue sharing ideas. Let’s make this a lively place of exchange among peers!

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Watch out for the 2021 ECI national events

In 2021 the ‘EU Take the Initiative’ campaign will arrive, in online format, in: Cyprus, Croatia, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Ireland, Latvia, Luxembourg and Sweden. Watch this space or check the ECI website for updates.

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