European Commission ECFIN New Publication
Economic and Financial Affairs
ECFIN Publications
Dear subscriber,
The Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs (DG ECFIN) of the European Commission is pleased to inform you about its newest publications for your free download as PDF:
Solving for Structural Gravity in Panels. Yes we can
This paper looks at econometric issues related to bilateral trade and proposes new tools to help overcome certain methodological difficulties related to theoretical structural gravity models.
Exploring Italy's Growth Challenge. A Model-Based Exercise
This paper investigates the causes of sluggish productivity growth in Italy and uses a set of stylized model-based simulations to assess the potential impact of growth-enhancing reforms.
Recent Tax Reforms in Italy: the Impact on Households and Workers
This paper uses economic modelling to assess the likely effects of recent tax reforms in Italy.
This is a new DG ECFIN publication.

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