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Poland's efforts to restore rule of law pave the way for accessing up to €137 billion in EU funds

The Commission has concluded its preliminary assessment of Poland's first payment request under the Recovery and Resilience Facility. It concludes that Poland has satisfactorily fulfilled the two “super milestones” to strengthen important aspects of the independence of the Polish judiciary through reforming the disciplinary regime for judges. Once confirmed by Member States, today's Commission assessment would allow for the disbursement of €6.3 billion in the coming weeks.

Paolo Gentiloni, Commissioner for Economy

“Half-way through the lifetime of the RRF, we can point to a number of key achievements. In the darkest months of the pandemic, the announcement helped to calm markets and avoid a great fragmentation among EU economies. Then as funds started flowing, the RRF gave a boost to the economic rebound, sustaining public investment and accelerating the reduction in unemployment.”

Save the date: Brussels Economic Forum, 16 May 2024

🗓️ Save the date for the European Commission’s Brussels Economic Forum on 16 May 2024. Join us in Brussels or online for a day of debates and networking with speakers and participants from across the world.

European Commissioner for Economy Paolo Gentiloni

“Today’s agreement to reform our economic governance is good news for the European economy. It concludes a long journey for the redesign of the EU’s fiscal rules. While the agreed texts are different and more complex with respect to our initial proposal, they preserve its core elements: more medium-term planning; greater ownership by Member States within a common framework; a more gradual fiscal adjustment to reflect commitments to investments and reforms.”