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MSCA4Ukraine: standing with Ukraine’s research community

Read the stories of five MSCA4Ukraine fellows

Since the outset of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine on 24 February 2022, the European Commission has shown its solidarity with the country and its research and innovation community.

The need for prompt action after the start of the invasion led to the creation of the MSCA4Ukraine fellowship scheme, supported by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), the European Union’s reference programme for doctoral education, postdoctoral training and collaborative research. The scheme is part of the wider EU’s response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Thanks to MSCA4Ukraine, 125 doctoral and postdoctoral fellows who were forced to flee Ukraine can continue their valuable work across 21 European countries in various domains of research and innovation with advantageous conditions and access to training, skills and career development opportunities.

They are helping safeguard Ukraine’s research and innovation system, and freedom of scientific research at large.

From investigating international crimes to developing a strategic framework for Ukrainian IT specialists, MSCA4Ukraine fellows work tirelessly to make a valuable contribution to their community in Ukraine.

Take a moment to read the stories of MSCA4Ukraine fellows Kateryna, Mariia, Iryna, Artem and Rostyslav about their work and life away from home.

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Digital forensics to overcome the accountability gap

MSCA4Ukraine fellow Kateryna is researching digital forensics at Vilnius University. She hopes her work will help international crime investigations in her home country and beyond.

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Dispelling misleading narratives about Ukraine in German literature

MSCA4Ukraine fellow Mariia is researching the representation of Ukrainian literature in Germany and the image of Ukraine in German language literary translations and studies.

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Helping women fleeing Ukraine by addressing their healthcare needs

MSCA4Ukraine fellow Iryna is investigating the healthcare needs of Ukrainian women that fled the country, and how both their host and home countries can better address them.

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Bringing investigation of war crimes in Ukraine to the forefront

MSCA4Ukraine fellow Artem is researching international criminal law at the University of Bergen. His research aims to support the efforts to bring the perpetrators of war crimes in Ukraine to justice.

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Supporting Ukraine’s IT professionals to help the country’s recovery

MSCA4Ukraine fellow Rostyslav (Ross) is studying the impact of the war on Ukraine’s IT workforce to help tackle the country’s challenges.

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ISSN: 2600-3201