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Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions award €257 million to postdoctoral fellows in 2022

The European Commission will fund 1,235 experienced post-doctoral researchers who applied for the prestigious Postdoctoral Fellowships to work at top universities, research centres, private and public organisations and small and medium-sized enterprises across 48 countries in Europe and the rest of the world.

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Surveys find strong satisfaction with host institutions, quality of training and careers in MSCA

The end-of-fellowship questionnaires gather feedback from former MSCA fellows on the impact of the fellowship on their research, skill development and career since the completion of their MSCA project. They are also one of the programme’s main career tracking tools, collecting information on former fellows’ career paths and mobility since their MSCA fellowship. Responses highlight a strong satisfaction overall with host institutions, the quality of training in MSCA and careers after the fellowship.

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MSCA Seal of Excellence awarded to outstanding COFUND proposals

The European Commission awarded MSCA Seal of Excellence certificates to 21 applicants who presented outstanding proposals but fell short of receiving funding from COFUND in 2021. Thanks to the MSCA Seal of Excellence, a proposal may be supported by national, regional and institutional level schemes or European funds such as the cohesion policy funds or the Recovery and Resilience Facility.

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MSCA funding opportunities
Deadline approaching - MSCA Staff Exchanges 2022

Staff Exchanges support international consortia of universities, research institutions, businesses, SMEs and other non-academic organisations to exchange their staff for up to 12 months. These exchanges offer unique opportunities for organisations, researchers and innovators worldwide to enlarge their networks and connect with leading organisations, share knowledge and turn cutting-edge research into innovative products and services.

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Deadline 08/03/2023
See also Guide for applicants
Funding available for MSCA Seal of Excellences awardees in Romania

Did you apply to MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships or Individual Fellowships calls and are a Seal of Excellence holder? The Romanian Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitization has created a new scheme for MSCA Seal of Excellence holders who applied to Postdoctoral Fellowships under Horizon Europe or Individual Fellowships under Horizon 2020. Funding is available for researchers wishing to carry out their project with a Romanian host organisation, apply now!

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Deadline 31/12/2023
Opening soon - MSCA Feedback to policy call 2023

The MSCA Feedback to Policy action will enhance the thematic links between MSCA projects to support a broader policy feedback process. The future project will focus on exploiting and assessing the impact of MSCA projects in relation to thematic and cross-cutting priorities, and assess the extent to which MSCA supports the development of researchers’ training, skills and career and the related promotion of intersectoral collaboration.

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Deadline 06/06/2023
Other funding opportunities
Apply now for the European Union Prize for Citizen Science

Citizen Science is the engagement of the general public in scientific research activities. It makes a significant contribution to a vibrant civil society – and an increasingly broad public fortunately perceives it as such. The European Union Prize for Citizen Science will be awarded for the first time in 2023 and is an expression of this growing interest. MSCA fellows and organisations benefitting from MSCA funding are strongly encouraged to apply.

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Deadline 13/03/2023
European Innovation Council unveils opportunities for MSCA researchers in 2023

The European Innovation Council (EIC) aims to transform game-changing scientific results into life-changing innovation. The EIC is investing €750 million in critical technologies for Europe in 2023, including €343 million to support multi-disciplinary research teams to undertake visionary research with the potential to become technology breakthroughs. Find out more about the two “Pathfinder” calls and an internship scheme and apply now.

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Events and recordings
Register now: MCAA Annual Conference and General Assembly

The 2023 annual conference of the Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA), on “Challenges in Science Diplomacy and Sustainable Development” will take place in Córdoba on 24-25 February 2023. High-level panels will raise awareness on science diplomacy approaches to tackle societal challenges, as well as sustainability of research culture and researchers’ careers. Register now to follow the event on-site or online.

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date 24/02/2023 - 25/02/2023
Science is Wonderful! science fair 2023

The next edition of the Science is Wonderful! fair will take place in Brussels on 16 & 17 March 2023 at the Maison de la Poste, Brussels, and will feature over 40 MSCA projects and 100 researchers from across Europe. This edition will include interactive presentations, hands-on experiments, games, and quizzes. Participation is open to everyone – families, school classes, fans of science – and free of charge.

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date 16/03/2023 - 17/03/2023
Resources and others
MSCA-NET handbooks and evolution guides available!

These unofficial documents prepared by the MSCA National Contact Points (NCP) via the MSCA-NET project will help you prepare and finalise your COFUND and Staff Exchanges proposals and see the main trends of previous calls. Tips, advice, common mistakes and more will guide your through your application process. Check them now!

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Common mistakes to avoid when applying for Horizon Europe funding

Submitting a project proposal under Horizon Europe is a challenging task that requires careful planning, precise budgeting, and a seamless collaboration with partners. We have prepared some DOs and Don’ts to help you prepare a quality proposal.

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Largest ever public consultation on the past, present and future of the European research and innovation programmes 2014-2027

The Commission launched the largest public consultation ever held on the past, present and future of the EU’s Horizon research and innovation programmes 2014-2027. In line with the Commission’s effort towards Better Regulation, stakeholders will be able to share their views on the performance of Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe, as well as shaping the strategic orientations for the Horizon Europe Strategic Plan 2025-2027.

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Deadline 23/02/2023
See also Access the survey
New publication: MSCA guide for multipliers

This guide gives an overview of the funding schemes available under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, how individuals and organisations can apply for them. It also provides a range of resources that can help multipliers present these opportunities to organisations and individuals.

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New leaflet: Boost your research career – Come to Europe!

From Master degree to advanced stages of career, the European Union funds outstanding students and researchers from all over the world to develop their potential in Europe. Discover the opportunities available under the EU programmes Erasmus+, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and the European Research Council and how to apply.

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EU support to strengthen gender equality in STEM

This new factsheet offers an overview of the EU’s actions to support gender equality in STEM and promote a gender-inclusive STEAM approach. The document includes suggested key actions for stakeholders, from pre-primary and secondary schools to universities, research organisations and the private sector.

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MSCA Stories
Celebrating the International Day of Women & Girls in Science 2023

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions have a vital role in supporting Europe’s progress towards gender equality in research and innovation. MSCA supervisors, coordinators and fellows are strong role models for girls and inspire women all over the world to opt for a research career in STEAM. On the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, we spoke to three MSCA fellows about women leadership and empowerment in science.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions: a game-changing benchmark mobility programme for talented researchers worldwide at all stages of their careers

As the European Commission celebrates the European Year of Skills, the European Research Executive Agency honours 26 years of the MSCA programme that has empowered over 145.000 researchers with key skills to date, 15 of which are Nobel laureates. The MSCA respond to Europe’s continuing need for a highly skilled and research-based human capital that can easily find solutions for current and future challenges.

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ISSN: 2600-3201