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Marie Skłodowska-Curie’s birthday kick starts a year of science outreach activities
MSCA celebrates the life of Marie Skłodowska-Curie, encouraging the public to take an active role in science, with initiatives that support researchers, scientists, and schoolchildren
Today marks the 155th anniversary of the birth of Marie Skłodowska-Curie, the first person, and sole woman, to have received a Nobel Prize twice. The European Commission takes the opportunity to celebrate her curiosity and achievements by launching several initiatives to strengthen the bonds between the worlds of science and education. Through Science is Wonderful! and the recently launched “Researchers at Schools” initiative, both funded by European Commission’s Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), teachers and pupils from all over Europe are able to discover the wonders and value of science by interacting with leading researchers and innovators. This year, Science is Wonderful! will also give teachers a unique opportunity to team up with leading MSCA researchers across the EU to co-create new learning resources. In March 2023, Science is Wonderful! will host a science fair in Brussels, Belgium, inviting 100 MSCA researchers from across Europe to showcase their research through presentations, hands-on experiments, games and quizzes, offering pupils the chance to learn, ask questions and plan their future as young scientists. Finally, in the next two years, the “Researchers at Schools” initiative will allow 2,400 primary and secondary schools and 225,000 pupils in many countries to discover researchers’ work through practical and fun activities, visits to labs, and more. Discover the science outreach opportunities available for you and your MSCA project.
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Science is Wonderful!
Science is Wonderful match-making event – co-create a learning resource!

Calling on all MSCA fellows to enter the classroom! Have you ever tried, but failed to explain your research to your friends and family? Then here is the chance to redeem yourself! We are giving teachers and MSCA researchers a unique opportunity to team up and co-create learning material, regardless of their location or subject of interest. Register by 1 December 2022 for our online Science is Wonderful! match-making event. There are several prizes to be won, so register, connect, and co-create a wonderful project!

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Deadline 01/12/2022
Call for projects: Science is Wonderful! Fair

We are calling on you, MSCA fellows, to present your research projects to approximately 5 000 young visitors at the Science is Wonderful! Science Fair 2023, which will take place in-person in Brussels on 16-17 March 2023. Science is Wonderful! brings the world of science, research and innovation to the wider public, in particular to primary and secondary school pupils. If you are interested in joining us in inspiring many fledgling future scientists at the next edition of Science is Wonderful!, please complete the application form below by 1 December 2022 - the European Commission will cover your expenses. We look forward to welcoming you and your work there!

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Deadline 01/12/2022
Science is Wonderful! learning activities catalogue

Science is Wonderful! also hosts activities for the classroom developed by MSCA scientists. These teaching resources, games and videos are frequently used by teachers and their pupils across the EU and throughout the year. Are you an MSCA researcher or alumn who developed a video, game or teaching material for pupils about your research topic? Submit your material and we will help you reach classrooms across Europe.

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Researchers at Schools
Researchers at Schools: researchers meet children to show the wonders of science

Are you an EU-funded researcher and are you keen on explaining your research to schools? “Researchers at Schools” brings the wonders of science directly to schools – and pupils to the labs! This initiative will allow 2 400 primary and secondary schools and 225 000 pupils in several countries to discover researchers’ work through presentations, hands-on experiments, visits to labs, games, discussions and role-playing. Check out the list of projects taking place all over Europe and get in touch with the organisers.

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