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MSCA Guidelines for the Inclusion of Researchers at Risk published

The new guidelines provide useful background on researchers at risk and recommend ways to improve their recruitment. The guidelines have been developed by the European Commission with the help of the Inspireurope project, a Europe-wide initiative to support researchers at risk funded by the MSCA. All MSCA applicants and beneficiaries are encouraged to take measures to facilitate the participation of these researchers.

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document MSCA Guidelines Researchers at...  (830 KB)
Note on synergies between Erasmus+ and MSCA published

Around 70 percent of beneficiaries under the MSCA are higher education institutions. They therefore have access to other EU funding targeting the higher education sector, such as Erasmus+. The aim of the new note is to improve awareness about the additional opportunities Erasmus + presents to people working in the higher education sector.

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document Synergies MSCA E+ Higher Educa...  (782 KB)
Large career questionnaire highlights major benefits of MSCA for fellows

Findings from large-scale MSCA questionnaires indicate that the actions create a significant positive impact on professional development and careers. Launched at the beginning of Horizon 2020, the evaluation questionnaire (answered at end of their fellowship) and the follow-up questionnaire (two years after) have been answered by 15,000 and 1,800 fellows respectively.

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New report highlights contribution of MSCA to COVID-19 pandemic research

Funding from the European Commission is playing a key role in the all-important COVID-19 pandemic-related research. A large part of that funding comes through the MSCA, together with the European Research Council (ERC) and the Health Programme, according to the new report that identifies 2 700 COVID-19 relevant publications to which the EU research and innovation funding has contributed.

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Studies suggest need for further training in ethics issues for MSCA applicants

Two recent studies analysing ethics issues in MSCA grant proposals suggest the need for further training in the area to be provided to researchers at all career stages. Both highlight a gap between applicant’s understanding of ethics issues and that of experts.

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Funding opportunities and prizes
MSCA Staff Exchanges call: apply by 9 March and accelerate your innovation & career!

Following the recent Staff Exchanges Info Day, an information flyer was produced, summarising what is unique about this MSCA programme. Key partners from academia, business and other non-academic organisations have often highlighted the Action’s added value for them. Hence, seize the opportunity and send in your application by 9 March 2022. If you have missed the Info Day, you can watch the recording.

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Deadline 09/03/2022
See also Watch again the Info Day
document MSCA SE 2021 - Guide for appli...  (717 KB)
document Flyer MSCA Staff Exchanges  (1.54 MB)
MSCA COFUND call: apply by 10 February to receive support for your training programmes!

COFUND action provides organisations established in the EU or Horizon Europe Associated Countries with complementary financial support for new or existing regional, national and international training programmes. The action is open for applicants managing training programmes for researchers at doctoral and postdoctoral level.

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Deadline 10/02/2022
document MSCA COFUND 2021 - Guide for A...  (718 KB)
Applications open for New Industry 5.0 Award

The award is a recognition prize for EU-funded projects that advance the Industry 5.0 vision. Projects should be able to present a convincing and inspiring solution, addressing Industry 5.0's three main pillars: sustainability, human-centricity and resilience, while also being clearly applicable in industry. MSCA projects can apply.

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Deadline 01/04/2022
Applications open for Horizon Impact Award 2022

The award recognises and celebrates outstanding projects that have used their results to provide value for society with 6 awards of €25,000 each and wide publicity for winners. These projects must have been funded by FP7 and/or Horizon 2020 funding programmes, including the MSCA, and they must be closed by the time of application.

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Deadline 08/03/2022
Resources and others
Gender Equality Plans eligibility criterion enters into force

The plans will be required for all public bodies, higher education institutions and research organisations from EU Member States and associated countries wishing to participate in Horizon Europe, including the MSCA. Learn more about the requirements and training available.

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document Guidance Gender Equality Plans...  (1.23 MB)
Open Research Europe: Fast publication and open peer review for Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe research

The new European Commission’s open access publishing platform venue accepts articles in all fields of science stemming from EU-funded research, including by the MSCA. The platform covers all costs upfront, there is no author fee, which means also no administrative burden.

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Maximise your research results with the Horizon Results Booster!

Are you managing an MSCA project? Would you like to receive expert support free of charge to disseminate effectively and/or boost exploitation potential of your project's research results? The Horizon Results Booster can help you prepare your business plan, increase your project results’ exploitation potential and improve your access to markets.

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New toolkit to mitigate foreign interference in research and innovation

The toolkit published by the Commission includes best practices to support EU higher education institutions and research organisations in safeguarding their fundamental values, including academic freedom, integrity and institutional autonomy, as well as to protect their staff, students, research findings and assets.

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document Toolkit R&I Foreign Interferen...  (581 KB)
SHE Figures 2021 Report published

The She Figures publication is the main source of pan European, comparable statistics on the state of gender equality in research and innovation. The data presented follow the 'chronological journey' of women from graduating from doctoral studies to participating in the labour market and acquiring decision-making roles, while exploring differences in women and men's working conditions and research outputs.

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document SHE Figures 2021 - Report  (5.63 MB)
document SHE Figures 2021 - Policy Brie...  (4.57 MB)
MSCA stories
Researchers give voice to disabled persons

Europeans with disabilities are still at a higher risk of poverty and social exclusion than those without disabilities. For Professor Eilionóir Flynn, scientific coordinator of the MSCA project DARE, a new path to equality for persons with disabilities is needed – one that makes the lived experiences of disabled persons the core of policy and legislative reform. Read this story on Horizon Magazine.

4 EU-funded Nobel Laureates whose research changed our lives

The 25th anniversary of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) is the perfect occasion to delve deeper into some of the groundbreaking discoveries of four MSCA-backed Nobel Prize winners, and to look at how their research, alongside Marie Curie’s, has changed our world for the better.

Green shoots for a greying countryside

Most farm managers in Europe are nearing retirement. There is a need to revitalise rural areas in Europe and create opportunities for younger people. Social scientists like MSCA fellow Dr İlkay Unay-Gailhardat are scrutinising the problem of rural decline, highlighting success stories and policy actions and tracking paths back to a more prosperous countryside. Read this story on Horizon Magazine.

Scientists turn underwater gardeners to save precious marine plant

Next time you are swimming and enjoying the sea’s cool embrace look down and try to spot the slender blades of seagrass. This remarkable marine plant is vital to coastal environments and to maintain fisheries, absorb carbon and protect coastlines from erosion – but their future is threatened by climate change, pollution and other impacts of human activities, MSCA-funded scientists say. Read this story on Horizon Magazine.

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