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Funding opportunities
Deadlines for MSCA calls are fast approaching

The 2021 calls for MSCA Doctoral Networks, Postdoctoral Fellowships and MSCA & Citizens are fast approaching. Make sure to apply with sufficient time to avoid technical problems and check all the submission guidance on the Funding and Tender Opportunities Portal.

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MSCA to open 2021 COFUND call with €89 million

Through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions’ COFUND action, the EU provides organisations established in the EU or Horizon Europe Associated Countries with complementary financial support for new or existing regional, national and international training programmes. The action is open for applicants managing training programmes for researchers at doctoral and postdoctoral level.

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Deadline 10/02/2022
MSCA to open 2021 Staff Exchanges call with €72.5 million

The Marie Sklowdowska-Curie Actions Staff Exchange action supports international consortia of universities, research institutions, businesses, SMEs and other non-academic organisations to exchange their staff for up to 12 months. These exchanges offer unique opportunities for researchers and innovators, who can use Staff Exchange to enlarge their networks, share knowledge and turn cutting-edge research into innovative products and services.

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Deadline 09/03/2022
Calculate your research experience for Postdoctoral Fellowships

Are you planning to apply for Postdoctoral Fellowships 2021? Check the guidelines and self-assessment tool for the calculation of 8-years research experience in Postdoctoral Fellowships under Horizon Europe.

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Join the European Researchers' Night tonight!

The European Researchers' Night is a Europe-wide public event, which displays the diversity of science and its impact on citizens' daily lives in fun, inspiring ways. Visit the events near you or online to meet researchers and discover the fascinating world of science in a fun and interactive environment – with family or on your own!

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date 24/09/2021
Falling Walls Lab MSCA - Register now!

Falling Walls Lab MSCA is a world-class pitch showcasing the quality, diversity and passion of the most innovative minds taking part in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions. 15 MSCA fellows will present – in 3 minutes each – their research topic, innovative project, social initiative, business model, or idea to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time. Register now and vote for your favourite one!

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date 30/09/2021
Conference on the Future of Europe - The future is yours

The Conference on the Future of Europe is a citizen-led series of debates and discussions that will enable people from across Europe to share their ideas and help shape our common future. This is your opportunity to speak up, to say what kind of Europe you want to live in, to help shape our future. Share your ideas and get involved in the events now!

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MSCA stories
Our intelligent ancestor, the Neanderthal

Try to imagine the modern human, Homo Sapiens, as just one of three species of humans coexisting on the planet Earth. That’s a difficult picture to paint by any stretch of the imagination. Yet this was the reality 60,000 years ago, when the first anatomically modern humans left Africa. It was a time when Europe and the Middle East were already populated by the Neanderthals, while the Denisovans spread across large parts of Asia. While the jury is still out as to why the Neanderthal, an ancient ancestor of modern humans, became extinct about 40,000 years ago, it has long been assumed that it was because they possessed a low level of intelligence. Pioneering research by MSCA fellows Karen Ruebens and Malvina Baumann is challenging this idea, uncovering evidence to suggest that our ancient cousins were in fact much more like us than we thought. Read this story on Horizon Magazine.

Ancient cave deposits reveal our climate future

As natural climate archives, the deposits found in caves can play an important role in our ability to understand – and predict – climate change. Every family has those stories that are passed down from generation to generation. Some of them have to do with history, others about a particular individual. But many of them have to do with the weather. Whether it be when the monsoons always arrive or what month brings the coldest weather, these stories contribute to society’s climate memory. ‘Because this information helps make climate predictable, it is very useful to, for example, a farmer planting crops,’ said MSCA fellow Dr Sebastian Breitenbach, a palaeoclimatologist at Northumbria University. Read this story on Horizon Magazine.

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