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Overview   Funding opportunity

Apply now: EU Citizen Science Award and IMPETUS Accelerator

If you are utilising citizen science practices in inventive ways to address societal challenges in your MSCA project, the IMPETUS project is eager to support with your initiatives. In this open call, IMPETUS is looking for Citizen Science projects for two exciting opportunities, the IMPETUS Accelerator and the European Union Prize for Citizen Science. This Call will run from January 10th until March 11th (23:59 CET) for the European Union Prize for Citizen Science and March 14th (12:00 CET) for the IMPETUS Accelerator.

Apply now to attend the 73rd Lindau Meeting on Physics

The Lindau Meetings bring together Nobel Laureates and young researchers to foster scientific exchange between generations. In 2024, the Meeting will be dedicated to Physics and will take place from 30 June to 5 July. The European Commission is offering a limited number of MSCA fellows the unique opportunity to participate in the event and exchange experiences with Nobel Laureates.

Showcase your research at Science is Wonderful! 2024

This annual science fair interactively showcases Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) research projects and innovations through hands-on experiments, science shows, games and fun, inspiring activities. We are calling on you, MSCA fellows and alumni, to present your research projects to approximately 5 000 young visitors over two days. The 2024 edition will take place in-person in Brussels on 25 and 26 April 2024.

Call for sessions: MCAA Annual Conference and General Assembly

The Marie Curie Alumni Association (MCAA) is organising its annual conference and general assembly from 14 to 16 March 2024, in Milan, Italy. The theme of the conference will be “10 Years of MCAA: Past, Present and Future”. A call for sessions is currently open for proposals focusing on the areas of interest to the MCAA.

Closing soon: Call for MSCA Doctoral Networks 2023

MSCA Doctoral Networks provide support partnerships of organisations from different socio-economic sectors across Europe to implement doctoral programmes. This call will fund over 130 projects in all scientific fields and the training and skills development of 1600 doctoral candidates. The call will close on 28 November 2023.

Closing soon: MSCA and Citizens call - European Researchers' Night and Researchers at Schools 2024-2025

The MSCA and Citizens call aims to bring research and researchers closer to the public at large, through various initiatives. Among them, the European Researchers’ Night is the largest research communication and promotion event taking place across EU Member States and Horizon Europe Associated Countries, while the Researchers at Schools initiative aims to strengthen the connection between research and education by bringing researchers to schools to encourage interaction with pupils at all levels of primary and secondary education.

European prize for women innovators launched

The European Innovation Council (EIC) and the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) have launched a new call for applications for the European prize for women innovators. MSCA fellows and alumnae are eligible to apply. The prize celebrates the women entrepreneurs behind Europe’s most groundbreaking innovations. It rewards women from across the EU and countries associated to Horizon Europe, whose disruptive innovations are driving positive change for people and the planet.

Preparatory Action: European Fellowship Scheme for Researchers at Risk

The European Commission has published a new call to develop a suitable structure for a fellowship scheme for researchers at risk that would address the currently fragmented and limited support at EU level. Within the scope of the action, around 30 fellowships will be awarded for researchers at risk.

Call for projects: Science is Wonderful! Fair

We are calling on you, MSCA fellows, to present your research projects to approximately 5 000 young visitors at the Science is Wonderful! Science Fair 2023, which will take place in-person in Brussels on 16-17 March 2023. Science is Wonderful! brings the world of science, research and innovation to the wider public, in particular to primary and secondary school pupils. If you are interested in joining us in inspiring many fledgling future scientists at the next edition of Science is Wonderful!, please complete the application form below by 1 December 2022 - the European Commission will cover your expenses. We look forward to welcoming you and your work there!

Erasmus+ Programme: General call

The call includes opportunities for organisations and individuals active in the fields of education, training, youth and sport. A broad range of actions promoting transnational and cross field partnerships and mobility for youth, students, learners, and practitioners are covered. Different application conditions and deadlines apply for each action.