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In this issue
We are looking a little more into the future with this edition. At the end of May, EU leaders agreed to issue a common EU digital COVID certificate, which makes it possible to travel safely and freely during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was World Environment Day last weekend and to mark the occasion, the Council invited five green influencers involved in climate awareness and action to collect questions that their followers wanted to put to high-level EU policymakers. We have the questions and answers for you in full - about our planet and how the EU, businesses, communities and individuals can protect it. Enjoy the read, and take our EU inventions quiz to find out how forward-looking European inventors have made contributions to our lives today.
Can ‘green’ be the new norm?

For World Environment Day, we invited 5️ European influencers to a Q&A with EU policymakers. Discover what drives them, their followers’ most pressing questions - and what answers they got.

Travelling safely in Europe this summer

Travelling to work in another country, visiting our families or going on holiday without the imposition of restrictions will again be possible within the EU. Read on to find out more.

EU and You
Play the game on EU inventions

Do you know where the hairdryer was invented? Or who invented the parachute? Test your knowledge and play the game: match the EU inventions with their countries of origin and learn about inventions created by European inventors.

Explanation corner
Preparing for future pandemics

The World Health Organisation has agreed to work on an international treaty against pandemics in light of lessons learnt from the COVID-19 crisis, supported by a Council decision in May. What would be in the treaty? When will it happen? All answers in our infographic.

This is the newsletter of the Council of the European Union. The opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Council of the EU.

Catalogue nr. QC-AS-21-012-EN-Q

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