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The Pulse

Your news from the EU Council

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In this issue
It is finally happening: the roll-out of the vaccination campaign is gathering speed with new vaccines being delivered across Europe. In the survey that appeared in our last edition, many of you confirmed you were ready to have the vaccination as and when the time comes. Even so, some questions remain. Find out about the survey results below and where to find more information.

On account of the continuing pandemic, most of us will have to avoid travel over the Easter period. By way of compensation, we invite you on a virtual tour of the EU Council's Europa Building and beyond. Step virtually into the rooms that are rarely open to the public, take a look around and find your country's seat at the table. Our trainees will take you even further on a journey around Europe to discover different Easter traditions.
Flash news
Shoulder to shoulder, screen to screen

For the first time in 11 years, the European Council welcomed the President of the United States last night. The EU leaders and US President Joe Biden exchanged views in a video conference on the future of EU-US relations. Read EUCO President Charles Michel's full introductory remarks.

EU and You
What's your favourite Easter tradition?

The new group of trainees who joined the EU Council in February come from all over the European Union - and their Easter traditions are just as diverse as they are. We asked them about their favourite ones.

COVID-19 survey – how did you vote?

To jab or not to jab – that was the question in our survey last month. As promised, we now bring you the results. Over 70% of those who filled in the survey definitely want to be vaccinated.👏👏👏 Almost 22% want to but have some concerns. 8% are not sure. Find out more about how the EU is ensuring safe vaccines for Europeans. Stay safe!

Explanation corner
Facts against fear

As vaccines against COVID-19 become available, misinformation on the safety and approval processes of these has fast spread across online platforms. Find out more about how the EU tackles the COVID-19 'infodemic'.

Council and You
Traineeships with no exclusions

They are young, well-educated and prove that a lot is possible. Meet the five participants in our positive action programme for trainees with a disability and read about their experience so far.

Not only for VIPs: a 360° virtual tour of the EU Council building

Explore the Council from all angles and take a look inside rooms that are rarely accessible to visitors. Enjoy this exclusive chance to see the room where EU leadersʼ meetings are held.

This is the newsletter of the Council of the European Union. The opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Council of the EU.

Catalogue nr. QC-AS-21-010-EN-Q

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