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The Pulse

Your news from the EU Council

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In this issue
Going into 2021, many hoped that this would be the year we were able to move on from the pandemic and get our lives back.

But a lot of us are currently still living a lockdown life of some sort – studying or working from home with very few opportunities to travel. So we have some suggestions for you on how to visit the Council virtually at least while waiting for better times.

According to a recent survey by the European Commission, many Europeans see a COVID-19 vaccine as the way forward out of the pandemic. But like most respondents, you might also still be a bit unsure about the vaccines that are out there and how they work. So we put on our lab coats to explain how mRNA vaccines work.

We would also like to hear your views via our short poll below: where do you stand on getting the vaccine yourself? We’ll look at the results in our next edition.
Explanation corner
The COVID-19 vaccine technologies for non-scientists

Do the terms mRNA or viral vector sound like secret code to you? Keep on reading to finally understand what they’re talking about in the news.

Are you planning to get vaccinated against COVID-19?

We'd love to hear what you think! It only takes a few seconds to answer.

We'll share the results with you in the next edition.

Council and You
Book your front-row seat in the Council

Still not sure what's the difference between the Council of the EU and the European Council? Or ready to dive deep into a specific policy field? Why not get an expert who works in the Council to explain it to you (all) via a virtual presentation?

Become our next trainee

Are you keen to be part of the next group of trainees at the General Secretariat of the Council? Applications for the autumn 2021 session opened on 15 February 2021. Check out the traineeships website for more details, the application form and testimonials from our former trainees.

EU and You
Share your ideas to unlock climate action

Within the event series "Your Europe, Your Say! 2021", young experts, activists and influencers share their knowledge and expertise on climate change in the context of systemic change. And you are invited to contribute, too. Find out who will be there and how you can join the debate.

A look behind the scenes
Inside the power house

Wonder what goes on inside this building? Everything you ever wanted to know about the European Council and the Council of the EU, told by those who know it best! Watch the full film and experience the atmosphere for yourself!

This is the newsletter of the Council of the European Union. The opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Council of the EU.

Catalogue nr. QC-AS-21-009-EN-Q

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