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The Pulse

Your news from the EU Council

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In this issue
New year, new beginnings? Well, at least in the Council of the EU: Portugal has taken over the rotating presidency since 1 January and will be steering the different Council configurations over the next six months. In our quiz, you can find out how much you know about Portugal and the Portuguese.

Also, in the final days of 2020, the EU and the UK finally struck a deal on the future EU-UK relations. This brought yet another historic first: a Council meeting on Christmas Day. Below you will find the behind-the-scenes story full of fun facts and curiosities about the treaty and its signature.

In addition, we have plenty of tips on how you can kick-start your own year in a European spirit.
Presidency special
How well do you know Portugal?

On 1 January 2021 Portugal took over the six-month rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union in the middle of a pandemic and an economic crisis.

But how well do you know Portugal? Test your knowledge by taking part in our 10-question quiz !

A look behind the scenes
In a race against time

On 24 December, the negotiators secured the agreement between the EU and UK that allowed to avoid cliff edge of hard Brexit. What happened after could be the next episode of "Fast and (not)furious".

EU and You
Win the European Charlemagne Youth Prize

Are you aged 16-30 and working on a project with a European dimension? Apply for the 2021 Charlemagne Youth Prize and get rewarded for your project to further develop your initiative. Don’t delay, because the deadline is 1 February 2021!

New year, new job: new Europass

Is finding your dream job one of your resolutions for 2021? Europass helps you to prepare your CV, cover letter and job applications. Check how you can even receive personalised job suggestions!

Readership survey
5 minutes for the Pulse

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This is the newsletter of the Council of the European Union. The opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Council of the EU.

Catalogue nr. QC-AS-21-008-EN-Q

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