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The Pulse

Your news from the EU Council

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Welcome to the second edition of The Pulse. Your newsletter from the Council of the EU.

Do you recognize us? We are excited to appear in a new look today - share with us what you think about the new layout.

In this edition, we are looking at how Europe is moving out of the lockdown: how is COVID-19 going to impact your summer holiday plans? What's behind the EU's economic recovery plan? And - because it's World Environment Day - where do we stand with the EU's objective of becoming climate neutral by 2050? Can Europe's recovery from the coronavirus pandemic be a green one?
My COVID summer season - EU plans for safe travels

With summer approaching, many of us are keen to get away for some European sunshine and culture, and catch up with loved ones, in our own country or abroad. What is the EU doing for a safe holiday season?

Got some time for nature today?

It’s World Environment Day: a chance to be reminded that the climate and nature emergencies are real. Where does the EU stand with its environmental policy, and what are you doing today #ForNature?

A look behind the scenes
Being a trainee during lockdown

What is it like to be a trainee at the General Secretariat of the EU Council when a pandemic means you can’t go to work? We spoke to four trainees about a very different type of work experience.

Explanation corner
What is the EU’s recovery plan after Corona?

To tackle the social and economic effects of the COVID-19 crisis, the EU is putting in place a €750 billion recovery plan called "Next Generation EU". We explain what this plan consists of.

Worth a long read
How COVID-19 is changing the world: getting the numbers right

COVID-19 has turned the world upside down. How is the coronavirus pandemic affecting our lives, from economic and environmental fluctuations to the impact on our income, education and employment? Read the insights revealed in this UN study.

The Council and You
Inviting the EU into your classroom

During the coronavirus pandemic many students in Europe are being taught online instead of at school. Find out how you can follow this trend and virtually welcome one of our staff into your classroom.

This is the newsletter of the Council of the European Union. The opinions expressed in this Newsletter do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Council of the EU.

Catalogue nr. QC-AS-20-002-EN-Q

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