Read the online version | ISSN 2600-2558

22 September 2023


Competition Weekly e-news

Cases, Judgments, News

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Commission re-imposes €376.36 million fine on Intel for anticompetitive practices in the market for computer chips

The European Commission has re-imposed a fine of around €376.36 million on Intel for a previously established abuse of dominant position in the market for computer chips called x86 central processing units (‘CPUs'). Intel engaged in a series of anticompetitive practices aimed at excluding competitors from the relevant market in breach of EU antitrust rules.
See also European Commission's Questions & Answers.



Commission fines defence company €1.2 million in cartel settlement

The European Commission has fined defence company Diehl €1.2 million for participating in a cartel concerning the sale of military hand grenades together with its rival RUAG.  Both companies admitted their involvement in the cartel and agreed to settle the case. RUAG was not fined as it revealed the cartel to the Commission under the leniency programme.



Commission carries out unannounced inspections in the medical devices sector

The European Commission is carrying out unannounced inspections at the premises of a company active in medical devices for cardiovascular applications.

Digital Markets Act


"Access to file" in DMA proceedings

The European Commission safeguards confidential information it receives from third parties in a new way under the DMA.
While enforcing the Digital Markets Act, the European Commission may have to grant gatekeepers or concerned undertakings access to documents obtained from third parties. This process is called “access to the file” and seeks to preserve the right to be heard of gatekeepers or concerned undertakings.
You can find out more about this and other DMA-related topics here.

State aid


Commission to set up a forum to improve selection and implementation of Important Projects of Common European Interest

The European Commission has informed Member States of its plan to launch the Joint European Forum for Important Projects of Common European Interest (JEF-IPCEI). The forum aims to increase the effectiveness of IPCEIs and to identify relevant strategic technologies for potential future IPCEIs.



Fachverband Spielhallen and LM v Commission

The Commission takes note of today’s judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union annulling a 2021 order of the General Court. In its order, the General Court upheld a 2019 Commission State aid decision. In its 2019 decision, the Commission found that a deduction of a special tax paid by German public casinos operators from the tax base of the trade tax did not constitute State aid under EU State aid rules.
The Court of Justice referred the case back to the General Court that will rule on the substance of the applicants’ arguments.
The Commission will carefully study the judgment.



Romaqua Group
The Commission takes note of today’s preliminary ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union.
The Court of Justice clarifies that Articles 106(1) and 102 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union preclude national legislation, which grants the holder of an exclusive licence for the exploitation of mineral water springs the possibility of obtaining, without a competitive tendering procedure, an extension of its licence for successive five-year periods, (i) where this legislation would result in an abuse of a dominant position by the licence holder through the mere exercise of its preferential rights, or (ii) those rights are liable to create a situation in which the licence holder is led to commit such abuses.


Belgium v Commission
The Commission takes note of today's judgments of the General Court, upholding a 2016 Commission decision. In its decision, the Commission concluded that selective tax advantages granted by Belgium under its "excess profit" tax scheme are illegal and incompatible under EU State aid rules.
See also Curia's press release (in PDF format).


It's soon time for DMA compliance

The third Let’s Talk Competition conversation will focus on the impact of the Digital Markets Act for gatekeepers.
Three experts will share their perspectives on this important policy development: Mr. Alberto Bacchiega, Director for Digital Platforms at DG COMP; Ms.Vanessa Turner, Senior Advisor for Competition at the European Consumer Organisation (BEUC); Ms. Inge Graef, Professor of Competition Law at Tilburg University. Ms. Aoife White, Editor at Politico will moderate the debate.
The event will take place on 28 September 2023 at 13:00 and it will be webcasted on DG COMP's website as well as in DG Competition YouTube channel.



Evaluation of Regulation 1/2003: an interactive workshop

The European Commission is currently evaluating Regulations 1/2003 and 773/2004, which form the framework for the enforcement of Articles 101 and 102 TFEU. In this context, DG Competition is organising a specialised  interactive workshop to gather stakeholder views on the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value of this enforcement framework.

The workshop will take place in Brussels on Thursday, 12 October 2023, from 9:00 until 17:30.



Markets for People: Third debate in Salamanca, Spain

After the first two episodes in Italy and Austria, DG Competition continues its effort to bring the competition policy debated around the Union to five mid-sized cities in five different EU countries. We are happy to announce that the third debate titled How can we make markets fairer? will be held in Salamanca, Spain, on 20 October 2023.
You can register at this following link.

Open calls for tender

11/07/2023 - 25/09/2023

Framework Contract for the Provision of Expert Consultancy Services and Studies in the Context of Investigations and Enforcement Related to Foreign Subsidies

External expertise is sought to support DG Competition’s enforcement of the Foreign Subsidies Regulation in order to receive detailed reports on the impact of subsidies in given sectors, on the benefits of financial contributions, on the distortions caused by foreign subsidies, and on any potentially positive effects of foreign subsidies.The purpose of this call for tenders is to conclude multiple framework contracts with up to four contractors per lot in order to provide the contracting authority with the provision of services.


28/06/2023 - 29/09/2023

Market Study on Competition in Online Payment Services
The main objective of the study is to assist the Commission in enforcing competition law in online payments services and to identify tools helping to prevent this market from tipping in the future in favour of Big Tech or incumbents. The study will examine the main online payment methods (various types of mobile wallets, instant payments, cards, payment initiation service providers) and analyse likely scenarios regarding the use of traditional cards for online payments compared to digital wallets and direct bank transfers.
New legislation

Other relevant information:

Latest Commission Decisions

European Economic Area: EFTA State aid register, EFTA Block exemption information sheets and EFTA competition cases
Court: Judicial calendar of the Court

Miscellanea: European Commission's Press Corner: Latest Daily News and Base rates in force.

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Published by the Competition Directorate General of the European Commission. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Commission. Neither the Commission nor any person acting on its behalf is responsible for the use which might be made of the above information.

© European Union, 2023. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

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ISSN: 2600-2558