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18 March 2022


Competition Weekly e-news

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State aid


Commission approves €95 million Polish aid for expansion of LG Chem's electric vehicles battery plant

The European Commission has found that Poland's €95 million measure in favour of LG Chem Group (‘LG Chem') is in line with EU State aid rules. The investment aid will support the expansion of LG Chem's battery cell production facility for electric vehicles in the Polish Dolnośląskie region. The aid will also contribute to the development of the Dolnośląskie region, whilst preserving competition.



Commission approves 2022-2027 regional aid map for Spain

The European Commission has approved under EU State aid rules Spain's map for granting regional aid from 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2027, within the framework of the revised Regional aid Guidelines.



Commission approves €1.4 billion Czech scheme to compensate energy-intensive companies for indirect emission costs

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a Czech scheme to partially compensate energy-intensive companies for higher electricity prices resulting from indirect emission costs under the EU Emission Trading System.



Commission approves €2.9 billion Spanish scheme to compensate energy-intensive companies for indirect emission costs

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a Spanish scheme to partially compensate energy-intensive companies for higher electricity prices resulting from indirect emission costs under the EU Emission Trading System.



Commission carries out unannounced inspections in the automotive sector

On 15 March 2022, the European Commission has conducted unannounced inspections at the premises of companies and associations active in the automotive sector located in several Member States. In parallel, the Commission has sent out formal requests for information to several companies active in the automotive sector.



Commission approves acquisition of MGM by Amazon

The European Commission has approved unconditionally, under the EU Merger Regulation, the proposed acquisition of MGM Holdings Inc. by Inc. The Commission concluded that the transaction would raise no competition concerns in the European Economic Area.

The review of the Notice on the enforcement of State aid rules before national courts

The European Commission has adopted a new notice on the enforcement of State aid rules by national courts. The New Enforcement Notice replaces the 2009 Enforcement Notice, providing updated practical guidance for national judges facing private claims to remedy the unlawful granting of State aid, i.e. without a prior Commission approval or an exemption from notification.

COMP papers nominated form Antitrust Writing Awards 2022

We are pleased to announce that a number of DG COMP colleagues have written papers which have been nominated in the Concurrences Antitrust Writing Awards 2022. The two nominated articles fall under the “Soft Law” category. 

The goal of the awards is to shine a light on competition scholarship, contribute to competition advocacy and to discover the best antitrust content published over the last year.The Awards Editorial Committee has reviewed over 90 Soft Laws submitted for nomination. The Awards Jury will vote for the best Soft Laws.
In addition to the Jury’s vote, you can all vote for your favorite Soft Law until 25 March 2022. 
Winners will be announced at the Antitrust Writing Awards Ceremony, which will this year take place on Tuesday, 5 April 5 2022, on the eve of the ABA Antitrust Spring Meeting, in Washington, D.C.

Public consultations

01/03/2022 - 26/04/2022

Public consultation on the draft revised Horizontal Block Exemption Regulations and Horizontal Guidelines
On 1 March 2022, the Commission published drafts of the revised R&D and Specialisation Block Exemption Regulations (together ‘HBERs’) and Horizontal Guidelines for stakeholder comments.
See also the EC press release.

28/02/2022 - 23/05/2022

Public consultation on sustainability agreements in agriculture
This initiative provides agricultural producers and other operators with guidance on how to assess whether sustainability agreements fulfil the conditions for granting a derogation (exemption) from EU competition rules.
See also the EC press release.

17/03/2022 - 09/06/2022

Evaluation of State aid rules for banks in difficulty
This targeted consultation aims at gathering evidence and views on the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and EU added value of these rules. This input will help the Commission to analyse the extent to which the Commission’s State aid rules for banks in difficulty preserved financial stability, while minimising competition distortions.
New legislation

Other relevant information:

Commission Decisions

SA Block exemptions

European Economic Area: EFTA State aid register, EFTA Block exemption information sheets and EFTA competition cases
Court: Judicial calendar of the Court

Miscellanea: European Commission's Press Corner: Latest Daily News and Base rates in force.

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Published by the Competition Directorate General of the European Commission. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Commission. Neither the Commission nor any person acting on its behalf is responsible for the use which might be made of the above information.

© European Union, 2022. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.