Read the online version | ISSN 2600-2558
  26 February 2021

Competition Weekly e-news

Cases, Judgments, News

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eConfidentiality is here!

On 25 February, DG Competition launched a new IT tool called eConfidentiality to ease the negotiations of confidentiality claims in the context of access to file and publication of decisions. eConfidentiality provides a secure platform to submit, substantiate and negotiate confidentiality claims with DG Competition. This first release will only concern antitrust and cartel cases. Law firms and companies will be contacted by case teams to use the eConfidentiality tool when non-confidential versions of documents should be obtained.
For more information and tutorials on how to use the new tool, please visit this page.

State aid


Commission approves €40 million Italian aid measure to support coronavirus related research and development activities

The European Commission has approved a €40 million Italian aid measure to support coronavirus related research and development (R&D) by biotechnology company ReiThera S.r.l. The measure was approved under the State aid Temporary Framework.



Commission approves €254 million Romanian aid to support rehabilitation of district heating system in Bucharest

The European Commission has approved, under EU State Aid rules, Romanian plans to support the upgrade of the district heating system of the municipality of Bucharest.



Commission invites stakeholders to provide comments on revised State aid rules on Important Projects of Common European Interest

The European Commission has launched today a public consultation inviting all interested parties to comment on a proposed targeted revision of the Communication on State aid rules for Important Projects of Common European Interest (the “IPCEI Communication”). Stakeholders can respond to the consultation for eight weeks, until 20 April 2021.



Slovak Telekom

The Commission takes note of the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the Slovak Telekom case.

The Court of Justice confirms that, the Commission’s opening of proceedings under Article 2(1) of Regulation 773/2004, pursuant to Article 11(6) of Regulation 1/2003, relieves the National Competition Authorities (NCAs) from the power to apply Article 101 and 102 TFEU to the same case, that is, the same practice(s) by the same undertaking(s) on the same relevant geographic and product market, in the same timeframe.

The judgment also confirms that the principle of restricting the possibility of a defendant being prosecuted/fined repeatedly on the basis of the same offence, act, or facts (ne bis in idem principle) does not apply to decisions adopted separately and independently by both the Commission and the competent NCA if the facts underlying those decisions are not identical.

See also Curia's press release.



Braesch and Others v Commission
The Commission takes note of today’s judgment by the General Court regarding the admissibility of an appeal of the Commission’s 2017 State aid decision concerning the precautionary recapitalisation of Banca Monte Paschi di Siena.


Industry as a motor for Digital, Digital as a motor for Industry

Speech by EVP Margrethe Vestager,
EU Industry Days,
25 February 2021.

[...]"Regulation also has to take account of the special role data plays in the digital economy. That may mean some changes to the competition rules, but it's also about ways to encourage greater data sharing, something that can bring huge benefits in areas like the new Internet of Things. [...]



Follow DG Competition on Twitter

@EU_Competition is the address of DG Competition’s active Twitter account with 19,000 followers. Our Twitter feed contains all DG Competition’s latest press communications, information on our policy initiatives and on any upcoming conferences.

If you would like to follow us on Twitter, click here:

Public consultations

18/12/2020 - 26/03/2021

EU competition rules – revision of the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation
The Vertical Block Exemption Regulation expires on 31 May 2022. The Regulation exempts agreements between different levels of the same supply chain from the EU’s competition rules.

In a business environment reshaped notably by the growth of e-commerce, this initiative aims to revise the rules to:
  • provide up-to-date guidance
  • cater for business needs in accordance with competition rules.
The aim is to have revised rules in place for when the current rules expire.

See also: EU competition rules – revision of the Vertical Guidelines.

22/01/2021 - 16/04/2021

Consultation on the Notice on the enforcement of State aid rules by national courts
Public authorities, citizens, companies and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation. Contributions are particularly sought from the national courts and authorities dealing with State aid, academics and lawyers.

23/02/2021 - 20/04/2021

Review of the Communication on important projects of common European interest (IPCEI)
The evaluation of the Communication on important projects of common European interest undertaken in the context of the Fitness Check of State aid rules showed that the current provisions work well and are an effective tool to achieve the objective of facilitating the emergence of important projects of common European interest. However, some targeted adjustments are necessary ...

See also the Commission press release.
New legislation
Antitrust   Mergers   State Aid
New Legislation    New Legislation    New Legislation 
'What's new?'    'What's new?'    'What's new?' 

Other relevant information:

Commission Decisions

SA Block exemptions

European Economic Area: EFTA State aid register, EFTA Block exemption information sheets and EFTA competition cases

Court: Judicial calendar of the Court

Miscellanea: European Commission Press corner: Latest Daily News and Base rates in force

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Published by the Competition Directorate General of the European Commission. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Commission. Neither the Commission nor any person acting on its behalf is responsible for the use which might be made of the above information.

© European Union, 2020. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.