Read the online version | ISSN 2600-2558
  08 January 2021

Competition Weekly e-news

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State aid


Commission approves €1.25 billion German measure to recapitalise TUI

The European Commission has approved German plans to contribute up to €1.25 billion to the recapitalisation of TUI AG (TUI), the parent company of the TUI Group, as part of a wider support package. The measure was approved under the State aid Temporary Framework.



Commission approves €73 million of Italian support to compensate Alitalia for further damages suffered due to coronavirus outbreak

The European Commission has found €73.02 million of Italian support in favour of Alitalia to be in line with EU State aid rules. This measure aims at compensating the airline for the damages suffered on 19 routes due to the coronavirus outbreak between 16 June and 31 October 2020.



Commission approves €120 million Greek support to compensate Aegean Airlines for damages suffered due to coronavirus outbreak

The European Commission has found a Greek grant of €120 million to Aegean Airlines to be in line with EU State aid rules. The measure aims at compensating the airline for the losses directly caused by the coronavirus outbreak and the travel restrictions imposed by Greece and other destination countries to limit the spread of the coronavirus.



Commission approves €2.9 billion Polish scheme to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in context of coronavirus outbreak

The European Commission has approved an approximately €2.9 billion (PLN 13 billion) Polish State aid scheme to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises active in certain sectors, including the retail, hospitality, leisure and transport ones, affected by the coronavirus outbreak. The scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary Framework.



Commission approves €300 million German aid scheme to support transition to sustainable local public transport

The European Commission has approved, under EU State aid rules, a €300 million German scheme to support innovative projects aimed at strengthening sustainable local public transport through investment and innovation. The scheme will contribute to the achievement of the EU's environmental and climate goals, without unduly distorting competition.



Commission approves €650 million Polish support to LOT in context of coronavirus outbreak

The European Commission has approved two Polish measures, for a total of about €650 million (approximately PLN 2.9 billion), to support the airline LOT in the context of the coronavirus outbreak. The aid measures consists of a €400 million (approximately PLN 1.8 billion) subsidised loan and a capital injection of around €250 million (approximately PLN 1.1 billion). The measures were approved under the State aid Temporary Framework.



Commission approves €900 million Slovenian scheme to support uncovered fixed costs of companies affected by coronavirus outbreak

The European Commission has approved a Slovenian €900 million scheme to cover part of the uncovered fixed costs of companies affected by the coronavirus outbreak. The scheme was approved under the State aid Temporary Framework.



Commission puts forward initiatives to further facilitate implementation of recovery and coronavirus support measures

The European Commission has today published guiding templates to assist Member States in the design of their national recovery and resilience plans in line with EU State aid rules. Second, to further facilitate the implementation of InvestEU and EU and national funds allocated for the recovery, the Commission is consulting Member States on a possible extension of the General Block Exemption Regulation. Finally, the Commission is conducting a survey with all Member States to seek their views on the implementation of the State aid Temporary Framework.



Commission approves the merger of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. and Peugeot S.A., subject to conditions

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the proposed merger between the automotive companies Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. ('FCA') and Peugeot S.A. ('PSA'). The approval is conditional on full compliance with a commitments package offered by the companies.



Commission opens in-depth investigation into proposed acquisition of Willis Towers Watson by Aon

The European Commission has opened an in-depth investigation to assess the proposed acquisition of Willis Towers Watson by Aon, under the EU Merger Regulation. Aon and Willis Tower Watson are both insurance and re-insurance brokers, as well as providers of other professional services to corporate customers.



Draft EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement

The Agreement establishes the basis of a future, broad relationship between the EU and the UK.
The provisions relevant to the level playing field for open and fair competition can be found under Title IV of the Agreement. The Parties recognise that trade and investment between the EU and UK require conditions that ensure a level playing field for open and fair competition. Both parties acknowledge that anticompetitive business practices may distort the proper functioning of markets and undermine the benefits of trade liberalisation. Each Party commits to maintaining competition rules that effectively address anticompetitive business practices. Each Party shall enforce competition rules within its own territory.
See also:

Public consultations

15/12/2020 - 12/01/2021

State aid rules for research, development & innovation (framework)
The fitness check evaluation concluded that the 2014 State aid rules for research, development and innovation (RDI) have been broadly effective and efficient. However, some targeted updates to reflect economic and technological developments are needed.

This initiative will further simplify the rules applied by EU countries to implement RDI aimed at innovative solutions. For example, in digital, health and carbon-neutral technologies that support the transition to a green and digital economy.

17/12/2020 - 14/01/2021

State aid – rules on risk finance for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)

A recent evaluation has shown that the rules allowing EU countries to help SMEs access finance with a minimum of red tape are broadly fit for purpose.

This initiative will make some technical improvements to make it easier to apply the rules and make them more effective and efficient. EU countries will be able to set up dedicated support for young and innovative businesses and steer investments to the relevant fields for a greener and more digital economy.


15/09/2020 - 15/01/2021

Call for proposals: Training of national judges in EU Competition Law
The new call for proposals focuses on EU competition law trainings addressing national judges dealing with competition cases at national level. This also includes prosecutors, apprentice national judges and the staff of national courts of eligible countries.

12/10/2020 - 25/01/2021

EU automotive sector – exemption from antitrust rules (review)
EU antitrust rules usually ban vertical agreements and concerted practices, which are likely to restrict competition in a given sector. There is currently an exemption for certain agreements and practices in the automotive sector, but this expires on 31 May 2023. This evaluation will check whether the exemption is still effective, efficient, and consistent with other EU and national rules.

06/01/2021 - 03/02/2021

Collective bargaining agreements for self-employed – scope of application EU competition rules
This initiative aims to define EU competition law’s scope of application, to enable an improvement of working conditions through collective bargaining agreements – not only for employees, but also, under some circumstances, for the solo self-employed.

18/12/2020 - 26/03/2021

EU competition rules – revision of the Vertical Block Exemption Regulation

The Vertical Block Exemption Regulation expires on 31 May 2022. The Regulation exempts agreements between different levels of the same supply chain from the EU’s competition rules.

In a business environment reshaped notably by the growth of e-commerce, this initiative aims to revise the rules to:

  • provide up-to-date guidance
  • cater for business needs in accordance with competition rules.

The aim is to have revised rules in place for when the current rules expire.

See also: EU competition rules – revision of the Vertical Guidelines.

New legislation
Antitrust   Mergers   State Aid
New Legislation    New Legislation    New Legislation 
'What's new?'    'What's new?'    'What's new?' 

Other relevant information:

Commission Decisions

SA Block exemptions

European Economic Area: EFTA State aid register, EFTA Block exemption information sheets and EFTA competition cases

Court: Judicial calendar of the Court

Miscellanea: European Commission Press corner: Latest Daily News and Base rates in force

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Published by the Competition Directorate General of the European Commission. The content of this publication does not necessarily reflect the official position of the European Commission. Neither the Commission nor any person acting on its behalf is responsible for the use which might be made of the above information.

© European Union, 2020. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.