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ISSN : 2443-9584
European Commission Publications Update
In this issue - April 2017

Top news
White Paper on the Future of Europe
The White Paper looks at how Europe will change in the next decade, from the impact of new technologies on society and jobs, to questions about globalisation, security and the rise of populism. It spells out the choice faced by Europe: being swept along by these trends, or embracing them and seizing the new opportunities they bring.
White Paper on the Future of Europe cover
The European Story: 60 years of shared progress
The foundations for the Europe we all know today were laid on 26 March 1957 in Rome. The heads of state and government of the European Community signed what is today known as "The Treaties of Rome". This 32 page brochure showcases six decades of shared progress under 10 main themes: peace, democracy, freedom, prosperity, discovery, equality, well-being, sustainability, influence and diversity.
The European Story: 60 years of shared progress cover
'The EU and energy union and climate action' – all you need to know in a short factsheet
Europeans need secure, sustainable and affordable energy. Our way of life is such that energy is vital for essential day-to-day services, without which we and our businesses cannot function. We need it for our lighting, heating, transport and industrial output. In addition to our basic needs we also need it for our washing machines, computers, televisions and all the other goods that we now use almost without thinking. However, making sure we have all the energy we need, at a price we can afford, both now and in the future, is not so easy.
The EU and energy union and climate action cover
Policy by policy
'Spotlight on the European Solidarity Corps' – all you need to know in a short factsheet
Young people across the EU should have the opportunity to volunteer or work for a good cause, said Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker during his State of the Union address in September 2016. This would allow them to express their solidarity, develop skills and gain experience. Registration for the Corps opened on 7 December 2016.
Photo of European Solidarity Corps volunteers
'The EU and jobs, growth and investment' – all you need to know in a short factsheet
The second title in a new series of short, easy-to-read factsheets on the 10 Commission priorities was published in autumn 2016. The factsheets are specifically designed to be useful for Representations and Europe Direct Information Centres as hand-outs for the general public. They are limited to four pages and are available in all 24 official languages.
The EU and jobs, growth and investment cover
'The EU and the refugee crisis' - all you need to know in a short factsheet
This is part of a new series of short, easy-to-read factsheets on the 10 Commission priorities. It sets out in simple terms what the refugee crisis is, its implications, and what the EU is doing to tackle the problem. These factsheets are specifically designed to be useful for Representations and Europe Direct Information Centres as hand-outs for the general public. The factsheets will be limited to 4 pages and will be available in all 24 official languages.
The EU and the refugee crisis cover
'EU explained' series of booklets
What are the aims and the results of major EU policies? The 'EU explained' series of booklets presents all existing EU policies to the general public. There are currently 32 titles available.
Covers from the 'EU explained' series
The fundamentals - general information on the EU
The EU in 2016: General Report and Highlights
Do you want to know what the EU achieved in 2016? What progress it made in delivering on its priorities? The measures it took to boost jobs, growth and investment? The ambition behind the newly-launched European Solidarity Corps? The good progress made on migration? The new trade partnership agreed with Canada? And how EU citizens benefited from the Union? You can find the answers to all these questions and more in 'The EU in 2016'.
The EU in 2016: General Report cover
Travelling in Europe 2016-17
This is the newest edition of our most popular publication. It contains useful information about how easy it is to travel within the European Union. The leaflet also contains a fold-out map of Europe.
Travelling in Europe 2016-17 cover
Wallchart featuring a map of Europe
This is a new edition of our popular poster featuring a map of Europe and some basic facts about each EU country. The colourful flags make it an attractive product to display in public places, waiting rooms, schools, and so on. It is in A1 landscape format (84 cm wide and 59 cm tall).
New wallchart featuring a map of Europe
How the European Union works
This basic publication on the EU institutions contains an overview of the decision-making process and a chapter about each institution.
How the European Union works cover
The EU in slides
"The EU in slides" is a selection of PowerPoint slides outlining the basics of what the European Union is, what it does, and how it works. The slides are a flexible aid for teachers and speakers giving presentations about the EU. They are fully editable - anyone can re-use the illustrations, graphs, or templates. The slides cover many of the benefits of the EU, as well as the more traditional subjects of EU history, treaties and institutions.
Slides from the 'EU in slides' series
The full text of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights on a poster
This poster contains the complete text of all 54 articles of the Charter. It can be displayed in meeting rooms, classrooms, libraries, offices, at home, etc.
The full text of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights – a poster
Promoting the 'Europe Direct Information Centres'
This practical flyer indicates the phone number, the website, and the e-mail address for contacting Europe Direct. It can easily be adapted to add the contact details of a local Europe Direct Information Centre.
Promotional flyer for 'Europe Direct Information Centres' cover
You can set the agenda: Guide to the European Citizens’ Initiative
Making the European Union more democratic and transparent is one of the priorities of the Juncker Commission. It is against this background that the European Citizens’ Initiative is particularly important since it gives citizens the opportunity to express their concerns in a very concrete way and to influence the European political and legislative agenda.
You can set the agenda: Guide to the European citizens’ initiative cover
Mini-poster: Members of the European Commission 2017-2019
This poster on an A4 sheet includes the photos and portfolios of all 28 Commissioners. It has been updated to feature the Commissioner for the Security Union, Sir Julian King. Note that yet another update will follow once a new Bulgarian Commissioner will have been approved and a new Vice-President assigned by President Juncker.
Mini-poster: Members of the European Commission 2017-2019
Have fun and learn: the EU for young citizens
'Let's explore Europe!' - educational booklet for 9-12 year olds
A booklet aimed at younger schoolchildren tells the story of Europe simply and clearly. It covers subjects ranging from nature and geography, to history and the EU more generally.
Let's explore Europe! cover
'Europa. A journal for young people' - educational booklet about the EU for 13-18 year olds
This brochure for young adolescents explains what the EU is and what it does, answering questions such as "who runs Europe?" and "what impact does the European Union have on daily lives?"
Europa. A journal for young people cover
Europe in a nutshell
This PowerPoint presentation provides a simple overview of the EU. It is available on Teachers' Corner in 23 languages.
Europe in a nutshell
Kids' Corner
Educational games and information for young people on European subjects – that it what you can find on the Kids' Corner website. You can train your memory with European flags, explore countries, discover famous Europeans, fly spaceships while you learn history, and much more...
Kids' Corner screenshot
Teachers' Corner
Looking for teaching resources about the European Union? Or wanting to give a pointer to teachers who come to you? Teachers' Corner contains all kinds of material for different age groups.
Teachers' Corner screenshot
The historical dimension
The founding fathers and other stories from the past
What do you know about the people who worked to create the kind of Europe we live in today: a Europe that has known continuous peace for over 70 years? We call them the 'Founding Fathers' of the EU.
The founding fathers - photo of handshake
Publications from our partners
Fun and learning for kids: Colouring with Edi
Colouring with Edi is the title of a new booklet produced for kindergarten and primary school children in Upper Austria. "This book contains images of the sort of things you will find in each of the EU Member States", said Dr. Michael Strugl, Minister for Economy and Europe of the Austrian Federal State in Upper Austria at the launch of the booklet.
Colouring with Edi cover
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