Read the online version | ISSN 2600-3570
  July 2022  
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Critical Infrastructure Resilience: News, Updates and Events


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In this Issue

Dear Colleague,

The European Commission is glad to publish a quarterly newsletter which provides news concerning the main activities and events, carried out across EU and beyond on critical entities and supply chains.

The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine has sent shockwaves through Europe and the world. Besides the human suffering, we observe a massive impact on infrastructures, supply chains and essential services. Civilian infrastructures are attacked deliberately and also non-military tactics are used, both cyber and non-cyber, to disrupt their services. As EU we need to draw lessons from that and be prepared to help rebuilding what was damaged, as well as enhance the preparedness of EU Member States and the neighbourhood countries.

The Versailles Declaration, which EU leaders adopted in response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, underlines the importance of protecting critical infrastructure. The Strategic Compass for Security and Defence further details what needs to be done to make the EU a stronger and more capable security provider, not only in the defence but also in the civilian domain. Resilience of critical infrastructures, notably against hybrid threats is singled out in that key document. Thus, the work done by EU and national policy makers, operators, practitioners and researchers to enhance resilience in various sectors has become even more crucial.

The risks to critical infrastructures and essential services are however not limited to armed conflict or the cyber domain. Therefore, this newsletter focuses on broader developments, ongoing activities and relevant policy-making aimed to enhance critical infrastructure protection and resilience-based initiatives.

The newsletter is a joint effort of the European Commission's Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs (HOME) and Joint Research Centre (JRC).


If you work or are interested in the area of critical infrastructure resilience, get in touch and share any interesting information by emailing us.

Happy reading,

The Editorial Team

Policy Updates
News from the EU
Political Agreement on new rules to enhance the Resilience of Critical Entities

The Commission welcomes the political agreement between the European Parliament and the Council on the Directive on the Resilience of Critical Entities (CER Directive).

NIS-2 Directive: Political Agreement on new rules on Cybersecurity

The EC welcomes the political agreement between the European Parliament and Member States on measures for a high common level of cybersecurity across the Union (NIS-2 Directive).

New EU Regulation on Gas Storage

The Commission announces the swift adoption of new gas storage rules, requiring EU Member States to fill storage facilities to ensure the EU is prepared for the risk of an interruption of gas supplies.

Commission acts for Global Food Security

The EC coordinates the response to crises affecting food supply and food security in the EU, outlining a number of measures to safeguard global food security and support resilience of food systems.

Towards an EU framework for Joint Defence Procurement

The Commission and the High Representative present an analysis of the defence investment gaps, and propose further measures and actions necessary to strengthen the European defence industrial and technological base.

Commission adopts Contingency Plan for Transport in times of crisis

The plan draws lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic as well as taking into account the challenges the EU transport sector has been facing since the beginning of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine.

Revised Regulation for Trans-European Energy Infrastructure

The revised TEN-E Regulation lays down new EU rules for cross-border energy infrastructure by identifying nine priority corridors and three priority thematic areas in the field of electricity, gas and oil infrastructure.

News from outside EU
NATO unveils 2022 Strategic Concept

It defines the Alliance’s core tasks on deterrence and defence; crisis prevention and management; cooperative security. It emphasises the cross-cutting importance of technological innovation, climate change and security.

USA adoption of Cybersecurity Act

USA adopts a legislative package to strengthen public and private sector cybersecurity. It includes bills to protect critical infrastructure and federal networks, and ensure government can safely adopt cloud technology.

Australia releases the Critical Infrastructure Protection Act 2022

The Security Legislation Amendment (Critical Infrastructure Protection) Act 2022 (SLACIP Act) builds upon the existing framework and uplift the security and resilience of Australia’s critical infrastructure.

Networks & Cooperation
Launch of the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment

The Partnership will deliver game-changing projects to close the infrastructure gap in developing countries, strengthen the global economy and supply chains, and advance national security.

EU-US Joint Statement on European Energy Security

EC and US are partnering to reduce energy imports from Russia, reaffirming the commitment to strengthening Europe's energy security and reducing Europe's demand for natural gas.

EU unveils Strategic Partnership with the Gulf

A multilateral and rules-based international order requires cooperation to enhance mutual security and the stability of the wider European neighbourhood and the Gulf.

EU-US address Global Trade and Technology Challenges

At the second Ministerial Meeting of the Trade and Technology Council (TTC) in Paris, EU and US reiterated the central role of the TTC for the renewed transatlantic partnership.

Research Findings & Uptake
Robotic equipment carrying RN detectors: requirements and capabilities for testing

The report, released by ERNCIP RN group, summarizes the need for and the possible use of robots carrying RN measurement equipment, by defining the minimum required capabilities of radiological detection systems that use robots in a set of scenarios in real environments, including radiological crime scenes.

RESISTO project addressed key challenges in Telecom CIP

RESISTO addressed key challenges affecting Telecom CI, combining cyber-physical threats and services supported by operators. The project provided real-time simulations of potential impacts on interconnected systems, guiding recovery actions for enhancing CI resilience.

PANDEM-2 contribution to Healthcare Infrastructure Protection

PANDEM-2 project contributes to healthcare infrastructure protection through enhancements in situational awareness, strengthening preparedness and resource planning, sharing best practices, and improving timely risk assessment and communication of cross-border health threats.

JRC DRONE Project to Counter UAS for CI

The JRC DRONE project reviews passive and active Counter UAS technologies, and the application of these technologies to ensure the security of citizens, critical infrastructures and public spaces.

Inspecting Ageing and Maintenance Practices on Hazardous Sites: Sharing of Good Practice

The JRC’s Major Accident Hazards Bureau brought together experts, inspectors of EU Member States and partner countries to present the two recently published technical briefs on inspection of ageing and primary containment systems’ maintenance, aiming to foster exchange on related inspection practices.

SPHINX enhanced the Cyber-Protection of Healthcare ecosystem

SPHINX project introduced a Universal Cybersecurity Toolkit, to enhance the cyber protection of Health IT and ensure patient data privacy and integrity. It provided an automated zero-touch device and service verification toolkit easily embedded on existing, medical, clinical or healthcare infrastructures.

Climate Change threatens European Union Security and Defence

This JRC study shows how direct impacts and dependencies across sectors raise the risk of the armed forces to suffer from climate effects. EU defence must build resilience or bear the costs of the impacts, with potential implications to Union security.

COURAGEOUS fosters counter-UAS detection capabilities

COURAGEOUS project aims to build awareness and common understanding of the efficiency of counter-UAS detection, tracking and identification systems. It will develop a standardised counter-UAS testing methodology and test different commercial solutions with the developed methodology.

Past Initiatives & Main Outcomes
The EU-US-Canada Expert Meeting fostered transatlantic cooperation on CIR

On 1-2 June 2022, the11th EU-US-Canada Expert Meeting on Critical Infrastructure Resilience was organized in Paris (France). It provided an opportunity for experts to exchange on pressing issues related to the security and resilience of critical infrastructures.

OSCE-Argonne’s Energy Security Training Course

The OSCE and Argonne National Laboratory launched an e-learning course to support energy practitioners and decision-makers in improving the resilience of critical energy infrastructure from natural and man-made disasters. The course is freely accessible.

The 2nd ECSCI Workshop on Critical Infrastructure Protection

The European Cluster for Securing Critical Infrastructures (ECSCI) organised in April its 2nd Workshop with the support of its H2020 project members. The workshop presented the different approaches on integrated security in several different CI sectors.

ESDC Critical Infrastructure Protection Course

On 21-23 June 2022 the ESCD Basic Course, organized by ICI Bucharest with the support of EEAS and JRC, aimed to provide participants with a significant grounding in the framework of CIP which will facilitate a systemic view, underlying risks, vulnerabilities and threats.

Reports & Perspectives
2022 Strategic Foresight for EU

This report provides a future-oriented analysis of the major role played by digital technologies, the influence of geopolitical, economic, social and regulatory factors in the twinning towards EU’s resilience and strategic autonomy.

Progress report on NATO-EU partnership

It analyses the progress made so far by EU-NATO partnership and elaborates on progress achieved by demonstrating concrete deliverables in all agreed areas of cooperation, including hybrid threats, CI and military assets.

Towards a more Resilient Drinking Water Infrastructure

The paper, drafted by the ERNCIP TG Water, provides methodologies, system components, best practices and future perspectives towards a more resilient drinking water infrastructure.

Deepening Cooperation to Strengthen Pandemic Defenses

This WHO report studies how to leverage trade to support global health security and proposes an action plan to improve trade policies and deepen international cooperation to deal with future pandemics.

Report on the cybersecurity of Open RAN

This report, prepared by EU Member States with the support of the European Commission and ENISA, the EU Agency for Cybersecurity, analyses the cybersecurity implications of Open Radio Access Networks (RAN).

EC implementation report on Nuclear Safety

It acknowledges the advances made by the Member States with the implementation of the Euratom Directive and identifies areas where the step change has not yet been fully accomplished.

Upcoming Events
International Workshop on Cyber-Physical Security for Critical Infrastructures Protection (CPS4CIP 2022)

CPS4CIP brings together security researchers and practitioners from the various verticals of CI domains, and to rethink cyber-physical security in the light of latest technology developments, e.g., cloud computing, blockchain, big data, AI, Internet of Things (IoT).

date 26/09/2022 - 30/09/2022
venue Copenhagen, Denmark
See also Website
DRONE ENABLE Symposium 2022

The symposium will gather key stakeholders and will focus on the complex issues presented by unmanned aircraft system traffic management (UTM) which need to be addressed collectively in order to integrate UAS into the global aviation system.

date 14/11/2022 - 16/11/2022
venue Montréal, Canada
See also Website
Critical Infrastructure Protection & Resilience North America (CIPRNA) 2023

Critical Infrastructure Protection and Resilience North America brings together leading stakeholders from industry, operators, agencies and governments to debate and collaborate on securing North America’s critical infrastructure.

date 07/03/2023 - 09/03/2023
venue Baton Rouge, Louisiana
See also Website
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