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LIFE Programme

February 2024

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LIFE Calls for proposals 2024

Will you submit a LIFE project proposal this year? The #EULife24 Calls for proposals are expected to be published on 18 April 2024. Mark the key dates in your calendar now and get ready to make a positive change!


The European Covenant of Mayors turns 15

Over the past 15 years, the Covenant of Mayors has played an important role in raising climate ambition throughout Europe. The LIFE Programme continues to support cities and regions’ endeavours and the Covenant of Mayors initiative.


Be part of the European Sustainable Energy Week!

Three calls are currently open ahead of the European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) whether it is to have a stand at the Energy Fair, to give recognition to today's and tomorrow's young leaders or to give visibility to events in Europe and beyond by making them part of the Sustainable Energy Days.


Join the EU Blue Parks Community

The EU Blue Parks is an initiative under the Mission Ocean and Waters dedicated to science-based solutions for setting and managing marine protected areas in the EU. Join the EU Blue Parks Community today and help shape the future of EU marine protection!



A networking meeting brings LIFE and other EU funded projects using Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) closer to EU policy makers

LIFE projects are leading the way in creating solutions to reduce our environmental footprint, from cheese production to forestry, leather and shoes. At the beginning of this month, 13 LIFE and 8 non-LIFE projects participated in a Networking Meeting to discuss best practices and challenges related to the PEF method.


LIFE projects support the push to decarbonise European industry

Two of our LIFE projects supporting the decarbonisation of European industry took center stage at the ‘eceee Zero Carbon Industry’ conference in Antwerp (Belgium). Read how the LIFE Programme fuels Europe's clean energy transition.


Project news

LIFE driving a just and inclusive clean energy transition

On UN International Day of Clean Energy, the LIFE Programme celebrated its Clean Energy Transition projects supporting and driving a clean, just transition. Read how two LIFE Projects are transforming our communities into more energy efficient spaces to live.


Bringing new LIFE to Finland’s threatened wild reindeer population

Our LIFE project WildForestReindeerLIFE is reintroducing reindeer herds to Natura 2000 areas in Finland. This initiative has improved the habitats and genetic diversity of the wild forest reindeer. Read how they have helped to protect this species at risk of extinction.


Energiesprong wins prestigious Gold World Habitat Award

Energiesprong has won the prestigious Gold World Habitat Award! Their revolutionary approach to renovating homes addresses climate change and improves energy efficiency. Various projects funded under the LIFE Programme and its LIFE Clean Energy Transition sub-programme are supporting Energiesprong-related initiatives. Find out how they help combat energy poverty across Europe.


LIFE projects leading the way on restoring Europe’s wetlands

Wetlands are vital for both healthy people and a healthy planet.  On World Wetlands Day, we put the spotlight on two LIFE projects on a mission to protect our wetlands across Europe. Read how they are making a splash!


Enhancing urban living: The LIFE Programme’s impact on nature conservation in cities

City living improves dramatically when communities reconnect with nature. Our LIFE projects are enhancing the quality of life for citizens all over Europe. Discover the LIFE Programme’s impact on nature conservation in cities!


Back to the future: LIFE supports rural communities in learning climate insights from history

Our LIFE project LIFE WILL is reviving a natural, centuries-old approach to managing water resources in Czechia. Through their work they increase the climate resilience of agricultural landscapes and rural communities!


Mine’s an espresso – LIFE programme feeding coffee to Europe’s cows and sheep

In Europe, cows and sheep diets mainly consist of imported soybean products. But our LIFE project LIFE ECOFFEED is developing an innovative and sustainable solution to produce feed for dairy livestock.



05/03/2024 - 08/03/2024

LIFE at the World Sustainable Energy Days

The World Sustainable Energy Days 2024, a leading conference on energy transition and climate neutrality, will take place from 5 to 8 March in Wels (Austria). The LIFE Programme will have a dedicated stand at the event to showcase its activities.



Smart Readiness Indicator joint event

The Smart Readiness Indicator (SRI) joint event will be co-hosted by CINEA, the Smart Square project, and LIFE projects from the LIFE CET SRI Cluster. The event will take place on 7 March in Brussels (Belgium) and online.


About this e-mail

The LIFE newsletter is issued 10 times per year by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). The content of the newsletter does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the institutions of the European Union.

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ISSN: 2600-5212