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European Blue Forum


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The European Blue Forum Stakeholder Position Papers are out now!!

Our latest papers, crafted collaboratively by European Blue Forum members through insightful discussions over the past 10 months are now accessible through our website. These documents are set to serve as a significant statement on maritime and coastal stakeholders’ common issues, challenges and future expectations for our European Seas. They gather the needs of the European Blue Forum members and provides the main axes of action for the years to come. The papers will be presented during a public meeting of the inter-parliamentary group SEARICA in Brussels on 7th March 2024.

See also Discover the position papers here


2nd European Blue Forum Annual Meeting “From Position to Practice”

Mark your calendars for the European Blue Forum Annual Event, themed 'From Position to Practice,' taking place on May 30th, 2024, in Svendborg, during European Maritime Day, the annual EU meeting point on maritime affairs and sustainable blue growth. Join us in discussing the progress made by the European Blue Forum over the past year and explore, through participatory approaches, the challenges and needs raised by our recently published Stakeholder Position Papers! This year's theme is all about action – turning ideas into impactful practices, to identify innovative solutions to deliver bold and ambitious changes for a brighter, more sustainable future. For more details regarding the event, including registration and agenda, please visit the dedicated event page on the European Blue Forum Website!

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date 30/05/2024
venue Hotel Svendborg
Registration Click here
See also European Maritime Day

European Ocean Days – Where Next for Europe’s Seas?

The aim of this specific event, taking place in Brussels on 6th March 2024, is to contribute to Europe’s reflections on what future priorities might be for Europe’s Seas. Discussions would consider not only policy needs, but also the wider economic, technological and social transformations that are occurring within Europe and beyond. In essence, the question to be addressed is: What, in this wider, evolving future landscape, might be the pathways for Europe’s Seas, with a perspective to 2050?

date 06/03/2024
Registration Click here
See also Information on side events

SEArica Intergroup Final Conference - Charting a course to a future EU Blue Deal

The European Parliament Intergroup SEArica (Seas, Rivers, Islands & Coastal Areas) warmly invites you to their Final Conference “Charting a course to a future EU Blue Deal" taking place at the European Parliament in Brussels on Thursday 7 March 2024 (14:00 – 16:00 CET). The conference aims at reflecting on past maritime achievements and on the next generation of EU maritime policies. The event is hybrid, so online connection is available.

date 07/03/2024
Registration Register here
See also More information here

Blue Week – 8 – 12th April 2024, Venice

Blue Week 2024 will be jointly organised by the Blue Forum (initiative of MARIN not to be confused with the European Blue Forum) and by the Vessel Operator Forum, and will be hosted by Vela and the Public Transport Network of the laguna ACTV in Venice, Italy. Together we can create a sustainable future for Oceans, Energy and Shipping.

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date 08/04/2024 - 12/04/2024
Registration Register here
See also Venue & Programme


Dive into the European MSP Platform's new Multi-Use Compendium!

The European MSP Platform is shortly about to launch their new Multi-Use Compendium. This initiative is a response to the growing volume of discussions and interest on the topic of multi-use. It represents an evolution from the heavily used 'Sectors and Conflicts' Pages on the MSP Platform. Tailored for Member States’ Planners and MSP Practitioners, the compendium aims to consolidate information from diverse sources, offering a comprehensive view of the opportunities, challenges, and enablers associated with the integration of various maritime economic activities at sea. Look out for its launch later this month!


The EU Policy Lab is seeking your insights!

In April, the EU Policy Lab (Joint Research Centre, European Commission) will collect citizens' and stakeholders' real-life experiences in relation to water, in all its aspects. They will share a weblink with you and highly encourage you to participate in this 15-min innovative survey, via the European MSP Platform. This will help gather insights from all 27 member states and a variety of stakeholders on the way which water matters most to them. The text analysis of the stories will inform an awareness campaign by DG Environment and the policymakers of the next Commission more generally.

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ISSN: 2811-8812 | Catalogue Number: 2811-8812