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June 2023

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Press announcement
BUILD UP: Revamped EU knowledge sharing portal to support building decarbonisation efforts
The European portal for energy efficiency and renewable energy in buildings to enable learning and insight sharing


BUILD UP, the European portal for energy efficiency and renewable energy in buildings has completed an exciting overhaul of its website. New look, but its aim remains the same: to reap the benefits of Europe's collective intelligence on energy reduction and renewable energy in buildings. 

Directly stemming from the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), BUILD UP is the platform for everyone involved in making the European building and construction sector more sustainable. 

The revamped portal is now an official website of the European Union. Its digital interface has completely changed offering its users a new, modern, and more attractive look.  
BUILD UP Community: ambassadors and contributors  

BUILD UP has a large and growing community, across Europe and beyond. It brings together researchers, academics, practitioners, and professional associations to exchange their best working practices and knowledge, together with tools and resources.  

Users can promote their work, organisation, or profile, by becoming contributors and creating and uploading content to the portal. BUILD UP publishes around 120 new pieces of information each month, including news, events, case studies, publications, and articles revolving around the sector's hottest topics.  

BUILD UP counts on its Board of Ambassadors, high-ranking professionals that selflessly share their knowledge with the community and spread the BUILD UP values and mission at national and international levels.   

Main changes: style, design, and promotion 

The digital platform has had its structure redefined entirely, applying some significant changes:   

  • New design: easier, cleaner and with highlighted information 
  • Better user-experience: simple procedure to upload content and to find accurate information through the finder  
  • Fostering exchanges and networking between users  
  • More promotion for the contributors, highlighting their profiles  

BUILD UP is open to everyone interested in how to improve the energy efficiency of European buildings. Do you want to become a user or a contributor? All the details are at  

You can also check the new features in this video.    

More information 
The BUILD UP initiative was established by the European Commission in 2009 to support EU Member States in implementing the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD). It is managed by the Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA).   

The BUILD UP web portal is a service provided by a Consortium led by NTT DATA. The Consortium members are EURAC Research, the Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), and Tipik.  

More information at 



The BUILD UP newsletter is issued by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). The content of the newsletter does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the European Union Institutions.

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