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Clean Energy Newsletter

February 2023

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Calls and opportunities
Horizon Europe: EUR 279 million available for calls to support EU Missions

Five calls are currently open for project applications under four EU Mission areas - adaptation to climate change, climate-neutral and smart cities, restore our oceans and waters, and healthy soils.

Last days to apply to the Innovation Fund 3rd large-scale call for projects

The Innovation Fund has EUR 3 billion available for large-scale clean tech projects. 100% funded by the EU ETS. Submit your proposal ahead of time to get the EU to invest in your industrial solutions to decarbonise Europe. Deadline of 16 March 2023.

Commission is calling for experts to advise on the new framework of the EU ETS Innovation Fund

Commission launched a call for applications for the renewal of the membership of the Innovation Fund Expert Group (IFEG). The Group needs new expertise due to the changes brought by the revised EU ETS Directive. With these changes the Innovation Fund will cover additional sectors (maritime, aviation, buildings and road transport sectors).

Bring Sustainable Energy Days to your community

Are you organising an event between March and June that brings clean energy conversations to your community? Register your activity as a Sustainable Energy Day to help it reach a wider audience.

GREEN ASSIST: The expert advice to green investments is operational

If you would like to benefit from Green Assist but you are wondering what the eligibility criteria is and how you can place a request for the advisory service, we invite you to check our webpage explaining all the details from the beneficiary perspective.

CEF Energy: the material of our latest Info Day is now available

If you missed the info day about the call to obtain the status for cross-border renewable energy projects, you can find the presentations and the recording online. The call is open until 3 May .

Programme news
CINEA public dashboard launched

The European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) has launched its online public dashboard bringing together all the programmes that have been entrusted to it by the European Commission. The dashboard will allow everyone to find up to date information about the projects supported in each programme, cross-reference them and extract data for potential re-use.

Commission launches market testing survey for the future operation of the EU ETS Innovation Fund

DG Climate Action launched a market-testing survey, to consult a wide range of stakeholders on key features of the future Innovation Fund and to establish an appropriate portfolio of support instruments that will best meet the market needs. The survey will remain open until 7 March 2023.

Make your voice heard. Become a #LIFEAmplifier

As a #LIFEAmplifier, digitally-savvy LIFE projects will spread the word about LIFE's Programme's news, events and press releases while inspiring other LIFE projects to do the same. We will promote your project on LIFE social media channels, helping you reach a wider audience.

Recording and presentations of the European Framework Programme for R&I - Innovation Fund Synergies Workshop now available

On 8 February 2023, the European Commission organised a workshop for mature research and innovation projects funded under Horizon 2020 to explore the opportunities that the Innovation Fund programme can bring to them.

Upcoming events
LIFE Clean Energy Transition and Horizon 2020 projects at WSED 2023

The World Sustainable Days (WSED 2023) is one of the leading events on the clean energy transition and climate neutrality. It attracts policymakers, market leaders and entrepreneurs in the energy field from more than 60 countries. It will take place from 28 February to 3 March 2023 in Wels, Austria.

How can cities & regions finance energy transition when subsidies are limited

Why do cities need to look away from subsidies - and is it realistic? The webinar organised by EU-funded project PROSPECT+ on 2 March will focus on the latest policy developments in relation to Fit-for-55 and REPowerEU, the gaps between the energy efficiency investment needs and the available public budget support, the urgency to increase the sustainable energy investments and to activate innovative and private financing solutions.

Projects' updates
EU project helps tidal array become world leader

With the installation of the 5th and 6th turbines, the H2020 Energy funded project EnFAIT helps the Shetland Tiday Array become the largest array in the world.

LOCOMOTION: A new tool to predict numerous features of a low-carbon society

To assist policymakers and all other stakeholders involved in deepening cuts to greenhouse gas emissions and achieving climate neutrality by 2050, the researchers at the LOCOMOTION H2020 Climate project have developed a computer modelling system that promises to provide key insights into the societal impacts of the planned transition from fossil fuels to renewables.

Successful kick-off of InterOPERA Horizon Europe offshore electricity grids project

The EUR 69 million project will define the future interoperability standards of the multi-terminal high voltage direct current (HVDC) grids in offshore electricity.

PowerFlex: next generation of onshore power supply for containerships

Onshore Power Supply (OPS) is increasingly used to reduce pollution, by allowing ships docked in ports to connect to the electricity grid. With the support of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, PowerFlex aims to develop a market ready solution to provide electricity to docked container ships to supply their consumers and charge onboard batteries.

Paving the way to more sustainable aviation

With aviation responsible for 12% of CO2 emissions from all transport modes, the sector needs to reduce its carbon footprint. The H2020-backed project, UHURA, advanced 'laminar wing design' technology to increase aircraft efficiency and decrease emissions.

Royal visit launches Horizon Europe Energy tidal energy generation project

The Princess Royal, recently visited the testing facility and partners of the new Horizon Europe MAXBlade project which aims to develop world's largest tidal turbine blades.

Empowering central and eastern Europe to meet energy and climate commitments

Improving public administrations’ capacity and skills is key to transitioning to a low-carbon economy and adapting to climate change in central and eastern Europe.

CEF Energy: the Borský Svätý Jur substation celebrates its commissioning

On 9 February 2023, the commissioning of the new 110/22 kV Borský Svätý Jur substation took place in Slovakia. The event was an important milestone for the region as this substation will significantly improve the regional energy safety and will crucially impact the cross-border interconnection of the Slovak and Czech grids.

Be-Smart: Bringing energy positive glazing for roofs and façades

The Horizon 2020 Be-Smart project has developed the concept of “energy positive glazing” by producing multifunctional photovoltaic (PV) glass solutions for roofs and façades.

This is a newsletter from the European Commission, European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA).

The content of the newsletter does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the institutions of the European Union.

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ISSN: 2600-5204