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More than €7 million in LIFE funding for NGOs

27 NGOs across Europe are to benefit from more than €7 million in LIFE programme funding. Find out who they are.

LIFE 2022 Call for proposals - Publication dates and submission deadlines available and the latest 2021 calls are still open!

Get ready, check the dates and deadlines from the last 2021 and the new 2022 Call for proposals. Start preparing your LIFE project proposal and stay tuned for more information!

168 proposals received for the first LIFE Clean Energy Transition call

For the first time, applicants were invited to submit their ideas to accelerate the market uptake of energy efficiency and renewable energy solutions under the Clean Energy Transition LIFE sub-programme.

What’s coming up for LIFE in 2022?

With the holiday season behind us, it’s time to look forward to a new year. Click 'more' for a sneak preview of what 2022 has in store for the LIFE programme.

LIFE platform meeting: Boosting awareness and engagement on climate action

On 27 and 28 October 2021, LIFE held a special online platform meeting to encourage the European Climate Pact’s implementation. Check out the highlights from the event and find out how to raise awareness and engagement for lasting climate action.

13th BUILD UP Skills European exchange meeting

Over 100 representatives from EU-funded projects and the European Commission discussed the challenges and good practices on upskilling building professionals to deliver high-energy performance building renovations and nearly-zero energy building. Check out the main takeaways from the event.

Green Assist: your ticket to Green Advisory

This new initiative aims to provide advisory support for green investments. Learn how to help us implement it and get ready for the coming tender!

Apply to the European City Facility Call for Proposals

The European City Facility (EUCF) Call for Proposals under LIFE Clean Energy Transition is open until 3 March 2022. Proposals are invited to run a European City Facility based on the experiences gained under Horizon 2020 and to offer financial support and services to cities and municipalities or their groupings to develop investment concepts for sustainable energy investments. Re-watch the info session, hosted by CINEA, on 13 December.

LIFE 2021 in review

2021 was a year of change for the LIFE programme, but we continued spreading our green message to as broad an audience as possible. Despite the changes, we managed to communicate effectively, and we invite you to check the highlights of the year.

Project news
Watch ‘Wings, Wetlands and People’: man & nature coexisting on Lesser Prespa Lake

Escape the doom and gloom of winter by watching a beautifully shot documentary from the team behind the LIFE Prespa Waterbirds project. In the documentary, we hear about the project’s efforts to protect the area’s biodiversity and the essential benefits it creates for the local community and economy.

About this e-mail

The LIFE newsletter is issued 10 times per year by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA). The content of the newsletter does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the institutions of the European Union.

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