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Common Maritime Agenda News

October 2021

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EMFAF: Two Calls for Projects for the Black Sea Region

Two new EMFAF Calls for Projects have been published for the Black Sea region. These two funding opportunities focus on (1) Innovation Capacity Building Pilots and (2) Maritime Spatial Planning. 1 - Boosting innovation and digitalisation in blue economy sectors. The selected pilot project(s) will contribute to the implementation of the European Green Deal objectives, the Digital Agenda and the EU Communication on Sustainable Blue Economy - Total available budget 1M€ 2 - The objective of this call for proposals is to facilitate the implementation of Maritime Spatial Planning in the EU, including through the effective application of Directive 2014/89 establishing a framework for MSP - Total available budget 3.75M€ for all EU Seabasins.

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See also EMFAF: learn more about the European Mar...
The latest news from the Common Maritime Agenda of the Black Sea and beyond.

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